Having Pressure In Abdomen With A Fluttering Sensation. What Should Be Done For Cure?
I gather from your short history, that you are experiencing
pressure sensation on the right side of your abdomen.
This could mean a lot of different things. First of all, the
duration of this (How long have you had this ), any radiaiton
the pain, like travelling to the back or shoulder, if there is any
nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, fever, chills etc.
Does the pain come on before or after meals , and if this
happens once every few weeks or months, any loss of weight
or loss of appetite, any change in the color of the stool, any
family history of gallbladder disease or bowel cancer, we need
all these to correctly assess the situation.
The right upper quadrant is in the viscinity of gallbladder, liver.
the part of the large bowel that is close to the liver called the
"Hepatic Flexure", lower part of the right lung and rib cage
along with nerves and chest wall muscle.
If you have had any complete blood work done, including
complete blood count, metabolic panel that includes kidney,
liver, thyroid, lipid levels, electrolytes, protein levels etc.
A chest x-ray, sonogram of the gallbladder and liver may be
In addition to all of these, if you are on any medications we
should know. Any allergy to particular food or drink and
also if you have excess gas problem like belching or passing
Trapped gas in the Hepatic Flexure can give sometimes severe
pain or pressure with relief after expelling gas.
Hope, I have given you suggestions on how to figure out the
problem with additional information.
I wish you well.