Having Severe Hair Loss And Dandruff. How To Treat This?
I have severe hair loss problem.Everytime i take head bath, or even apply oil, my hair falls.
I have dandruff with it too. I am not sure how to treat this condition.My hair was once very thick, it's now lifeless and thin. Please help!
Thanks for writing to us.
In a female hair fall could be due to
Androgenetic alopecia where there is broadening of hair parting and hair fall is mainly in centre and vertex of scalp
Telogen effluvium where there is diffuse thinning of scalp hair. The causes are stress, surgery, pregnancy, chronic illness like typhoid, jaundice, dengue etc, nutritional deficiency, thyroid disorder, anemia etc
Localised cause like severe dandruff.
To help you out with your concern, I would like to know
Since how long are you having it
Number of hair strands that fall per day( approximate number)
Pattern of hair fall- diffuse or particular area is going bald
Any preceding or underlying cause that could have lead to hair fall like stress surgery, chronic illness, nutritional deficiency, anemia, thyroid disease etc.
As far as dandruff is concerned, use a ketoconazole based shampoo like nizoral every alternate day and apply candid b lotion over scalp in night. Do not oil your hair too much as it aggravates dandruff. Once a week application of oil is sufficient. Dandruff too can lead to hair fall. once the dandruff will clear off , hair fall will reduce too.
Hoping to hear from you soon. Take care.
>>Since how long are you having it?
last august
>>Number of hair strands that fall per day( approximate number)
the sink gets filled when i take a head bath after a long time(like a week) otherwise a lot of it falls when i comb my hair everyday. So frankly, i have stopped combing my hair.
>>Pattern of hair fall- diffuse or particular area is going bald
no particular area is getting bald. its diffused.
And one more query, if i dont oil regularly, wont my hair dry up even more. it is very dry and lifeless now.
>>Any preceding or underlying cause that could have lead to hair fall like stress surgery, chronic illness, nutritional deficiency, anemia, thyroid disease etc.
Of all the above, stress is the only thing which might be applicable. BUt i do workout everyday fro minimum 30 mins and do yoga sometimes.
Thanks for answering my queries!
You might be having telogen effluvium. To treat the same
Take keraglo XXXXXXX or follihair new one tablet daily
Apply minoxidil 2 percent solution 1 ml two times in a day.
As you are having dandruff too, I would advise you to follow the treatment I mentioned in my previous post. Once the dandruff subsides, use ketoconazole shampoo once in a week and stop candid b lotion application.
As above mentioned are all prescription drugs, I would encourage an appointment with a dermatologist nearby.
Excessive oil in hair flares dandruff, hence do not oil your hair excessively. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner to manage dryness. Once dandruff clears off, you may use oil more frequently.
Also take a good nutritious diet XXXXXXX in protein, biotin, iron, vitamin B12, copper and selenium.
Hope that helps!
Take care