Having Severe Lower Back Pain . What Measures Can I
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Detailed Answer:
How long have you been suffering with back ache?
Did you hurt yourself?
Does the pain radiate down the leg?
Do you notice any type of weakness of legs?
May I know your age and gender?
Do you have any known medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart ailments or chronic kidney disease?
Have you tried any treatment yet? If yes what treatment is tried and the benefits from it?
Do you have any problem while passing urine?
Back pain has wide range of cause. The details I have asked may help me in narrowing down to a cause.
In the meanwhile if the pain is severe, you may try topical pain relieving agent such as Voveran spray and oral pain killer like tab etoshine MR twice daily.
Awaiting your response...
Please see below for answers for your questions
1. From five years
2. I fell down backwards while getting down from staircase around 10years back
3. No
4. Had weekness in legs before this around 16years back(uses homeopathy then it recovered)
5. 32 years and female
6. Medical condition: type 2 diabetes during 1st pregnancy during 7th month(currently no diabetes). Around 4years back got high bp and fell down(currently bp is normal). Have thyroid from 7 years and using 75mcg
7. Yes for 2 years
8. XXXXXXX Ayurvedic treatment. Temporary back pain relief
9. No
Detailed Answer:
From the details provided, you are 32 years, female. You've had some kind of leg weakness 16 years ago which recovered. 10 years ago, you sustained an injury to the back, however the back pain started 5 years back. The pain is located to the lower back and it is not radiating down your legs. You have history of hypothyroidism and pregnancy induced diabetes along with high blood pressure problem.
Based on the details provided, I don't think the leg weakness you had 16 years ago is related to the pain. Since the back pain started 5 years after the injury, probably the injury is not the primary cause of back ache.
As the pain is a chronic (long duration symptom), have you had any X-ray or scans of the back? Have you had any test done for the same.
I also would like to know if the back pain is persistent throughout the day or is it something which happens intermittently. If the pain is intermittent, is there any factor that aggravates / relieves the pain.
Based on the details I now have, the pain seems to be mechanical / muscular pain. It could be related to improper posture or over strain. Other possibilities of spine such as disc prolapse and others could not be ruled out without additional details. I would like you to provide more information (high lighted above).
In the meanwhile, you can continue the treatment mentioned in my previous answer. Physiotherapy treatment may be needed as long term treatment plan.
I shall await for more details.
it happens intermittently (long hours work) and will use to get relief
Continue pain relieving measures...
Detailed Answer:
The description is more in favour of muscular pain / mechanical problem. I would suggest to use pain killers whenever pain is severe. I'd suggest tab etoshine MR (as mentioned in my first answer) whenever the pain is severe.
3 years old X-ray will not be of any help if the pain is more worse than what it was earlier, I will encourage you to visit an orthopedic doctor after the current COVID-19 crisis settles. Further treatment in the form of physiotherapy and other daily medication will be suggested after clinical evaluation.
Hope this helped you. Let me know if you need any other information.