Having Severe Pain In Chest And Back. Taking Anxiety Medications. Chest X-ray Showed Nodules On Lung
I was tested for GERD- negative.
Tested for Gallbladder disease/stones-negative.
My chest pain ranges from general pain to stabbing. However, I am constantly(24 hours a day) aware of my chest pain which is located in the center/mid area. Sometimes I feel it more on my left side. The pain in my back is between my shoulder blades. This pain is more dull/achey but seems to be associated with the chest pain. I XXXXXXX not believe I have anxiety and I have little if any stress in my life, but was prescribed ativan to see if it relieved any symptoms. If anything, these symptoms are causing me to be stressed.
Thanks for your query.
The symptoms you have could be related either to the respiratory system or heart. Since both EKG and chest x-ray are normal or inconclusive. I suspect there to exist a milder form of nonspecific inflammation either due to autoimmune process or subclinical infection.
First, we have to be sure whether there exists an inflammation or the symptoms are due to structural defects to be identified. Test like ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) are gold standard to identify any sort of inflammation in the body. Once, presence of the inflammation is confirmed then the cause for the same can be identified but treatment with anti inflammatory medications can be initiated immediately to halt the disease progress.
Do get the above mentioned blood tests done; we shall have a detailed discussion once the reports are out.
Wish you good health.