Having Sores In Inner Thigh. Taking Antibiotics And Applying Timodine Cream. Area Has Turned Red. Need Advise?
Today they seem even more 'angry' and the cream seems to have made the area around the sores very red indeed
Too early to be too worried, be calm
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
Timodine contains a steroid that normally should fight against inflammation. However, the active ingredient in it is Nystatin, which is an anti fungal drug. I suggest your doctor must have diagnosed this as a fungal infection.
I would suggest you watch the evolution of these symptoms for one or two days. It is not unusual to experience some mild paradoxical reactions when on certain drugs, especially in skin disease.
If symptoms persist or continue to aggravate, or you experience new manifestations, you might have to visit your primary care physician again. If not, I suggest you stay calm for now, and watch for a couple of days again.
Thanks and kind regards.
Bain LE, MD