Having Stomach Ache
Some more information please.
Detailed Answer:
Stomach is a part of body ,in which many organs are placed in a compact cavity.So stomach pain can be from problem in any one of them.Many a times typical site,time,&type of pain can help in deciding pain origin.
To help you more specifically, please furnish me with following information.
-Exact site of pain in abdomen.(as to which part of abdomen gives pain...upper part of abdomen between rib cage(epigastrium)/left or right side of umbilicus/ just above the public bone...lower most part pf abdomen in center(suprapubic)/arround umbilicus/in lower abdomen just above thigh ..on left or right side.
-Type of pain-dull ache going on constantly/acute sharp pain with colicky pattern/ burning pain/
-weather pain comes before,after food/ related with spicy food or hunger, weather before bowel movement.
-weather associated with any health problem..pertaing to digestion,constipation,loose motion, constipation or urinary problems
All the details would help me to think more specifically..please answer.