Having Strange Sensation On Penis With Burning Sensation During Urination. Reason And Treatment?
It is Acute Urethritis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts and photograph that you have posted it appears that you have Acute Urethritis (Infection of the urethra).
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Did you have unprotected sex in recent times before getting these symptoms?
2) Do you have fever ?
Besides those 2 details, if I were to be treating you, I would order routine urine test and urine culture to find out the organisms causing this infection. I would also order for microscopic examination of a drop of discharge from urethral opening.
Ensure to drink more water to keep your urine dilute This will help to control dysuria.
Ensure to clean your genitals with warm water twice daily.
Awaiting your reply...
This could be due Urethritis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for feed back ,Please go ahead and get the test done which I have suggested in my reply earlier.
You need to consult qualified Urologist for further treatment.and prescriptions of medications.
Thanks and Regards.