Having Tiny Black Parasites In Scalp, Chest, Arms And Legs. Feels Like Burrowed Through Chest. Worried About Eyes. Concerned?
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Parasites over scalp ,chest etc can be due to lice infestation.It occurs due to lowered immunity status,cold environment ,infestation from other people etc.
The lice can be seen moving over scalp along with nits in such cases.
Other possibility is delusion of parasitosis.
It is a condition where person has a firm belief that he or she has got parasites on body and they are moving.
In fact there are no parasites and crawling sensation is due to nerve sensitivity only.This disorder has got some psychic component.
Skin nodules can be due to scratching.
To start with take antihistaminc tablet like hydroxizine 10 mg at night and apply permithrin 1 % lotion in a single application.
Apply mild steroid like hydrocortisone over skin nodules.
Wash your eyes with cold running water two to three times.This will take care of eyes.
Try these measures and watch for 10 to 15 days.
If there is no improvement then you have to take medicines like olanzipine,amitryptilline etc.
It will be better to take such medicines under the guidance of a doctor.
I hope this will solve your problem.In case if you have any concerns I will be happy to help you.Take care.
Thanks for follow up.
As you have mentioned you have seen a worm like creature and then flying insects.This can be due to maggots.
Maggots usually develop on some necrotic tissue.
It would be important to know whether you have any trauma,ulcer over your hands or any other part of body.
Other possibility is helementhic infestations like tape worm,round worm,etc.
Some times they can escape through mouth and grow on skin due to which there can be skin nodules,small burrows etc.
It would be important to know whether any deworming is done or not.
If not then you can take albendazole tablet single dose at night and repeat it after one week.
Nodules are a part of skin allergy and they will subside with time.
Hope this will help you.Waiting for response.