Head Injury, CAT Scan Showed No Fracture. What Should I Watch For?
Thanks for the query.
I will need more information to tell you what to watch out for. Please do not mind in answering the following.
1. When did this incident happen?
2. Did he suffer from loss of consciousness? If yes, for how long?
3. Did he by any chance get a seizure?
4. Does he have any external injury with open wound?
5. Where exactly is the dent in the head? Back, left, right, front?
6. It will be very useful for me if you could send the CT (Computerized Tomography) report. You have a feature to upload the reports / image by yourself at the right side of the query page, please utilize that so that I can answer your queries better.
These answers will help me give you a more accurate answer; please get back to me with them.
I wish your son good health.
He did not lose consciousness.
He did not have a seizure.
No open wound
The dent is in the middle of the forehead just a bit above his eyebrows.
I don't have access to the CT but the PA said it look fine, no fractures.
She didn't think he had a concusion. She gave him 1000 mg. of tylenal.
He came home and has a terrible headache. When he put ice on it
it seemed to help.
Thanks for replying to me.
Since you have been told that the CT looks fine and there was no loss of consciousness or seizure, your son should do fine without any problems apart from pain.
Tylenol was given to reduce pain, please continue the same.
But do look out for
1. Slurring of speech, behavior and weakness of limbs.
2. Dizziness.
3. Vomiting.
If any of the above happens, kindly reach the ER immediately without delay.
I hope, I have answered your query, if there are no further queries please accept my answer,
I wish your son a speedy recovery.