Head Injury. Led To Dizziness, Fullness In Ear, Twitch In Eyelid. Is It Sinus? Take A CAT Scan?
I hit my head on my left side temple area in my parents home pretty hard. Did not loose conciousness or mental status. This was 8 days ago. Went to doctor, sent me home said I was fine. Im still fairly dizzy at times, with ear fullness and a slight twitch on my right eyelid. Never had this before. Doctor said probably sinus. Do I need a cat scan to make certain???? Im very very scared. As this is still going on. Thank you very much
I am happy to help answer your question.
However, I need some further clarification. You say "still" dizzy. Does this mean you were also dizzy soon after the injury? If so, then you sustained a concussion, by definition. It sounds like it would be classified as a mild concussion. If this is the case, then it would not be unusual to have ongoing dizziness 8 days later. Your doctor's physical exam is most useful in deciding whether or not you need a CT scan. Dizziness alone would not be a reason for getting one. A slight twitch in the eyelid is often the result of stress, so I would not place too much stock in that symptom either.
Please feel free to follow up if necessary. If you are satisfied with the answer, please accept it.
Dr. Schwartz