Head Injury, Bump On Head, Light Headedness, No Unconsciousness, Shaky, Painful, Soreness, Bruising. Should I Be Worried That My Skull Was Cracked?
Thanks for posting your query.
Normally when ever there is injury to any part of body the flood flow to the part increase and small blood vessels beneath the skin breaks down, leading to leakage of blood and swelling in that part.
Depending upon the amount of blood it takes time to get reabsorbed in the system. The blood collected changes its color due to continuous chemical process to remove that clot.
As 5 days has passed since the incident and other then local problem you are not having any further problem, there are almost no changes of major XXXXXXX head injury or fracture. The XXXXXXX bruise near nose that you are having is due to blood tricking down from forehead.
As you having pain and soreness you need to visit a doctor and after examination you may need a course of antibiotics and analgesics to take care of this. In some cases the blood collected may get infected and can lead to pain.
In mean time,
Please do ice application to the affected area
Take analgesics for discomfort that you have.
Do not message.
Please visit a doctor.
I hope this helps and clarify your concern.
Please write again if you have something more to ask.
In case you do not have further query, please accept the answer.