Headache, Sore Throat, Anxiety, Tiredness And Swollen Lymph Nodes In Neck. Prognosis?
Welcome to HCM!
I can understand your concern with this chronic problem!
A few questions!
Does she have weight loss or poor weight gain?
Does she have fever esp in the evenings?
Are there any other signs like lack of appetite or enlargement of liver,spleen etc?( as determined by doctors)
Are the nodes increasing in size or decreasing in size over these 3 years?
There are many causes for lymph node enlargement in kids.
If I am in your doctor's place I would definitely do the following.
X-ray chest.
Biopsy of one of the superficial lymph nodes.
Mantoux test
Viral studies including that for CMV.
Once these basic tests are done, then some of the most common causes are ruled out and you can be rest assured that there is nothing to worry!
Anyway ,keep this to your self and discuss with the doctor on next visit, but let not your daughter worry about the possibilities and get anxious.
All the best.
God bless
Dr Uma
CMV is cytomegalovirus- a type of virus that presents with generalised lymph node swellings and can affect a new born baby also .
Mantoux test is done to look for tuberculosis - it is done by giving a small injection into the skin of the forearm and look for reaction after 48 hrs in the site of injection.
Even though tuberculosis is not that common in your place ,still it is worth looking into.
Take care
Dr Uma
yes,it is a delicate situation.!
Don't mention that another doctor has suggested - because it will affect her ego!
You can say that you and your daughter are concerned and whether a biopsy will be possible!!!
May be she is correct as she has been examining the child but having a doubt cleared is always welcome.
Good luck
Dr Uma