Heartburn With Swollen Face. Why Is He Unable To Move It Normally? Is This An Emergency?
Thanks for posting your query
The information provided is suggestive of stress induced Gastritis
Regarding his swollen face, if he does not have any other weakness of muscles on the same side of body and is able to hold his saliva or blow with closed lips, just keep observing
If his blood pressure is normal you may wait and observe
His hernia could be due to excess work he may be doing, a mesh helps generate fibrous tissue but cannot hold all the intestinal contents that protrude and does not replace the muscle tone that is lost
Regarding his heartburn, give him some antacid and a proton pump inhibitor and ask him to manage his obesity as it will worsen the gastritis and hernia both apart from the apparent risk it has on cardiac function
Hope this helps
Am available for followup queries
Wishing you husband a speedy recovery