Hello Doctor, I Have Problem Of Tinitus In My Left
I have problem of tinitus in my left ear with continuous bell sound from last 3 to 4 years.
Kindly advice.
Hii. There are many causes of tinnitus in the ear. It may be due to hearing
Detailed Answer:
Hii. There are many causes of tinnitus in the ear. It may be due to hearing nerve weakness, exposure to continous loud sound, intake of any drug which is detrimental to ear, otosclerosis( abnormal calcification of bones responsible for hearing), any vascular tumour in the neck, any lesion or anything vascular abnormality in the brain, any cp angle tumour like vestibular schwannoma of the brain. You should consult Ent surgeon. Get hearing test done: pure tone audiogran and impedance audiogram. It will tell about the condition of nerve responsible for hearing and whether it is weak or not and how much is the hearing loss. It will also tell if the ossicles responsible for hearing is working well or there is any calcification of those ossicles. If there is any nerve weakness then you have to take hearing aid. This hearing aid will improve your hearing and will also reduce the tinnitus. It is always better to do a MRI brain to know if there is any vascular malformation or tumour in the brain which is responsible for tinnitus. After getting the reports of all the above tests a proper diagnosis can be made and tinnitus can be treated accordingly. For now ignore the sound and avoid noisefree environment. Do a hearing test and MRI brain. Check your blood pressure, blood sugar. Lead a relaxed and tension free life. Please review if you have any queries.
Do you have any medicine treatment which gives me some comfort from this continuous belly sound?
Kindy advice.
Tinnitus has no specific medication. You can try vitamin b 12 supplement wi
Detailed Answer:
Tinnitus has no specific medication. You can try vitamin b 12 supplement with vitamin c like becousule vitamin tablet. You can add zincovit or zinc supplement. Many people try gingo biloba supplement. But the main treatment is hearing aid with tinnitus maskers attached with hearing aid. It will produce any pleasant sound with the hearing aid and the bell like sound will decrease over time. Try to avoid noise free environment. Avoid excess tea coffee. Control blood pressure and blood sugar. Ignore the tinnitus sound. Lead a relax life. Switch on gan or radio kn small volume during sleep. It will take time to resolve but don't get demotivated. Do hearing test, take hearing aid and keep on folk advice. Be patient and lead a relaxed life. Review if you have any queries.