Hello, I Am Writing Because I Have Sickle Cell Trait
I am writing because I have sickle cell Trait. I was diagnosed about 30 years ago. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and of course I'm white. I have been told that I should not have any symptoms from the trait. But I seem to be having some issues that seem like they are related, but may not be. I keep getting small blood clots near the surface of my skin in the upper hip and thigh. They feel like a small marble under the skin. I of course panicked and went to the ER the first time and they sent me home and said it is a non life threating blood clot on the surface and to just use heat and cold therapy to make it dissipate. This has happened many times. But I don't bother going to the doctors for it, I just treat them at home as they occur. but a couple of years ago I got a very large one on my hip. So I went to the doctors and it had clogged a vein in my hip near the surface but was very long. about a foot in total length but was squiggly. It was painful swollen and hot, felt like someone was holding a hot XXXXXXX to it! but they did not seem concerned as well and sent me home. but soon after that I had some blood tests done. The blood test show that I am very anemic. tests as follows. RBC 3.91 with a range of 4.46-5.85, my HGB was 11.4 with a range of 13-17, and my HCT was 32.7 with a range of 39.8 51.5. My RDW was 18.5 with a range of 11.7-14.9, Platelet count was 167 with a range from 150-425. My WBC count was normal with high Neutrophils 80.0 range was 38-74, all my other WBC were all low right at the cut off of the normal range for Lymps, Monos, Eos, Bas. The absolutes followed the same very low just in the normal range but very close to the lowest number in the range some were exactly the lowest number. My questions is this? My sickle cell trait was diagnosed a long time ago 30 years, could it be possible that I have something different as I learned there are many types of SCT now? I guess XXXXXXX AS SC SH Thals beta and alpha. Would they have known the difference 30 years ago? Also if you just have the trait does this mean every RBC created by the marrow has 3 good hemoglobin's and 1 defective hemoglobin, so every RBC is effected? or does your bone marrow produce AA RBC at 50% and AS RBC at 50% to create a mix? What is the potential for them to sickle? I am noticing a lot of fatigue most likely from the anemia. I also have cold hands and feet. Joints ache alot. When I stand up after sitting for a while my hips are killing me. I also have Diabetes, it is pretty well taken care of with 2000mg of Metformin and 16units of Humalog before my biggest meal. But I still Drink about 6-8 liters of water a day and urinate about 4-6 liters a day. I always feel bloated but dehydrated. Is that due to the diabetes or could the sickle cell contribute to that? I would go see a doctor but I lost my insurance and job with with this crazy virus, hope to go back to work soon when this is under control. Can people with sickle cell trait start having noticeable symptoms like a mild for of SCD? Thank you for time and help XXXXXXX E.
Low hemoglobin and high RDW due to iron deficiency probably.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query on Ask A Doctor forum.
The blood report shows low hemoglobin, low hematocrit, low RBC count and high RDW.
I suggest you to get a peripheral blood smear examination and iron profile.
Low hemoglobin is likely to be due to iron deficiency and not due to sickle cell trait.
For the blood clots that you are experiencing on the hip and thigh, you need to get few more investigations like prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) to look for any disorder of coagulation or clotting system.
Sickle cell trait is usually asymptomatic and does not produce symptoms that you have mentioned.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri
I am sorry I know my question was long but could you answer this question for me?
If you just have the Sickle Cell trait does this mean every RBC created by the bone marrow cells has 3 good hemoglobin's and 1 defective hemoglobin, so every RBC is effected? or does your bone marrow produce AA RBC at 50% and AS RBC at 50% to create a mix of normal cell and sickle cells with trait?
Thank you ED
Genetic counselling and screening will be required before bearing children
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome again,
Yes you are correct.
In sickle cell trait, about 50% red blood cells produce normal hemoglobin chains and rest 50% produces abnormal Hb S.
Th condition is asymptomatic in most of the cases.
You need to undergo genetic counselling and genetic testing of your partner at the time of marriage.
You can be a carrier and the gene can pass on to your children.
Your partner should be free from the trait to prevent the disease in your children.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri