Hello. I Had An MRI Of My Cervical Spine/neck And
Having FNA in 2 weeks but my gut tells me to just have my thyroid removed (whether benign or otherwise).
I sincerely appreciate any and all thoughts on my situation.
About thyroid nodules;
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking!
I have gone through your concern carefully.
The ultrasound characteristics of the nodules are very important to decide about their treatment.
FNA sensitivity is very high (up to 97%) but in some cases, (when the nodules are over 3.5 cm, have 5 out of 5 characteristics of malignancy in ultrasound or when tumor marker calcitonin is high).
Surgery is recommended even though FNA results negative for malignancy.
Usually, it happens rarely, because as I mentioned above, FNA is sensitive and can diagnose a malignant nodule.
In your case, it would be better if you kindly upload/attach the ultrasound report to the reports section of this web-page for a specific suggestion.
Best wishes,
About thyroid nodules follow up;
Detailed Answer:
Hi again,
CT scan is not used for the follow up of the nodules because it's dementions and the charachteristics of the nodules can not be evaluated with ct scan, ultrasound is the most reliable technique.
4 mm can be considered significant growth for a nodule if it was evaluated with ultrasound but is not significant for CT scan because as I mentioned above it is not very sensitive for follow up of the nodules.
Furthermore is very difficult to describe the nature of the nodules in a CT scan.
FNA will give a more sensitive information.
Best wishes,