Hello, What Would Be The Best Type Of Excercise To
What would be the best type of excercise to get rid of/hide/treat these shoulder bumps? I%E2%80%99ve had them for as long as I can remember and probably got them about 10 years ago as a cause of a bit too severe working out at gym when I first started at 16 years old. I%E2%80%99ve lost some muscle mass during the past few years because I had a break from gym, so the bumps have become more prominent (especially after waking up when they are really %E2%80%9Dup%E2%80%9D more). However I started working out again few weeks ago and my shoulders are really feeling it. They feel really stiff, especially when I wake up. Any way to get rid of that stiffness? Is there any good excercise I could do every morning?
Whenever I rotate or turn my shoulders they snap and crack ALOT, but usually there%E2%80%99s no pain included (only some mild pressure). However now after starting to work out again I can feel there%E2%80%99s sometimes pain also, especially when I rotate my shoulders after bench pressing. My technique should be ok as well as warming up and all that, but I still get this unpleseant feeling of pressure into my shoulders whenever I bench with weights I can properly do around ~10 reps. Smaller weights don%E2%80%99t make this happen.
So just to recap the questions:
1. Best excercise to get rid of or treat the shoulder bumps (possible chronic ac separation)
2. Best excercise to do right after waking up to get rid of stiff shoulders?
3. Any way to get rid of that feeling of pressure in shoulders when benching with bigger weights?
4. How could I prevent my shoulders from going to even worse shape in the future?
Thank you very much!
soft tissue lipoma or bony prominence.no exercises can make it disappear.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to Ask A Doctor services.
I have read your query with attached photo image and here is my advise.
* The bump over the shoulder tip can be related to soft tissue lesion as
lipoma or bony prominence.
* Clicking internal sound of shoulder is related to excessive movements of
bones under the humerus capsule against glenoid tubercle and is not
Need to adjust the amount, range of motion with speed adjustment to
reduce the same.
* Out side prominence has usually nothing to do with internal stiffness and
that requires an MRI of the shoulder to evaluate any underlying pathology
if at all present or not.
* There are no such exercises that can reduce the lumps ( whether it is soft
tissue lump as lipoma or bony prominence )
One can get soft tissue ultrasound of the part to confirm my opinion.
* For maintaining shoulder shape, multiple parameters have to be figured
out as
- Regular exercises what you are doing at present in best way.
Details would be balanced movements of abduction, adduction, gradual
rotation over head and under arms with avoidance of sudden jerky
movements to avoid internal damage to nerve structures.
- Maintain body weight.
- Adequate nutritional status and overall health care.
Hope this information will help you.
Would like to discuss further regarding the same.
Wish you great health.
Dr Bhagyesh ( MS consultant surgeon )