Hello Back In The First Of 2015 We Took My
Since all of these are major events would not there be more evidence of these events if they where legit? How likely is one to walk in for a check up and be diagnosed with all of these issues all on the same day and walk out during the time span of just a checkup?
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome.
Yes, these are all major diagnoses and it is unusual to have it diagnosed during one visit.
Pulmonary embolism is serious acute incident, life threatening issue which require hospitalisation and should be diagnosed with CT scan so I am not sure if this could be detected at primary care phyisican.
Daiphragmtic hernia and dementia are chronic diseases and these may be diagnosed at same time, but also extensive tests are necessary such as endoscopy and neurologic work up to confirm it. Brachial plexus lesion is nonspecific issue, in most cases this is caused by cervical spine issues.
In every case, these diagnoses can be found only after appropriate diagnostic work up. Daiphragmatic hernia doesnt require treatemnt in most cases, dementia nad pulmonary embolism however should be under control and medications. WIsh you good health. Feel free to ask further questions.