Hello There Doctor. My Name Is Muse(26 Years Old), And
A year later, the constipation came back. No BM for over a week. After a week, when i have a BM, it was strong and in small lumps. I waited and no change. I talked to a doctor here, and suggested me to use laxatives or enemas. If that doesn't solve it, to see my doctor and do colonoscopy and MRI. To also check if some of the stool is going to a different place than the colon. I used laxatives and it was only a short term. I used enema and didn't help at all. I used Miralax (2 cups or 34g) and didn't make a difference. So i made an appointment and did a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy came back clear(100% healthy). The doctor told me that my body is probably burning the food. If that is the case, why not always? A day after the colonoscopy, i started to have normal BM. I think it was the Colonoscopy prep drink that cleaned my colon and fixed my Constipation.
Now, about 8 months after the Colonoscopy, I am having another episode of my Chronic Constipation. I exercise and eat healthy. I spent over a week without a BM. After that, i used Dulcolax for a quick relief, but it didn't do a good job. The stool was pencil thin. It looks like something is on the way and blocking the passage of normal BM. I tried pushing as hard as i can, but i can't have a BM. I even stopped eating for three days, and that didn't help. Today, after losing hope, i mixed 100g of Miralax (half the dosage of what i took for the colonoscopy prep) hoping to get quick clean up. I did get some liquid form BM. But few hours later, the BM changed into watery green. it happened several times. an hour later, a pure blood came out. my next BM, the blood disappeared and it was only the watery green. I am also experiencing headache, burning during urination(not often), bloating, weird sounds inside my abdomen, loss of energy.. etc
Having said all that, I would like to ask you:
1) why I keep experiencing Severe Constipation?
2) Is my body really burning the food? If yes, how about the other times i use the toilet?
3) Is the stool going to another place or storing in another place?
4) Should i make any checkups?
5) Can MRI show me exactly what is wrong, why the constipation is keep coming, and if the stool is storing in a different location?
6) What should i do? I am just 26 years of age who always workout and eats healthy food. I have so much to try and enjoy. What are your advices?
A year later, the constipation came back. No BM for over a week. After a week, when i have a BM, it was strong and in small lumps. I waited and no change. I talked to a doctor here, and suggested me to use laxatives or enemas. If that doesn't solve it, to see my doctor and do colonoscopy and MRI. To also check if some of the stool is going to a different place than the colon. I used laxatives and it was only a short term. I used enema and didn't help at all. I used Miralax (2 cups or 34g) and didn't make a difference. So i made an appointment and did a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy came back clear(100% healthy). The doctor told me that my body is probably burning the food. If that is the case, why not always? A day after the colonoscopy, i started to have normal BM. I think it was the Colonoscopy prep drink that cleaned my colon and fixed my Constipation.
Now, about 8 months after the Colonoscopy, I am having another episode of my Chronic Constipation. I exercise and eat healthy. I spent over a week without a BM. After that, i used Dulcolax for a quick relief, but it didn't do a good job. The stool was pencil thin. It looks like something is on the way and blocking the passage of normal BM. I tried pushing as hard as i can, but i can't have a BM. I even stopped eating for three days, and that didn't help. Today, after losing hope, i mixed 100g of Miralax (half the dosage of what i took for the colonoscopy prep) hoping to get quick clean up. I did get some liquid form BM. But few hours later, the BM changed into watery green. it happened several times. an hour later, a pure blood came out. my next BM, the blood disappeared and it was only the watery green. I am also experiencing headache, burning during urination(not often), bloating, weird sounds inside my abdomen, loss of energy.. etc
Having said all that, I would like to ask you:
1) why I keep experiencing Severe Constipation?
2) Is my body really burning the food? If yes, how about the other times i use the toilet?
3) Is the stool going to another place or storing in another place?
4) Should i make any checkups?
5) Can MRI show me exactly what is wrong, why the constipation is keep coming, and if the stool is storing in a different location?
6) What should i do? I am just 26 years of age who always workout and eats healthy food. I have so much to try and enjoy. What are your advices?
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to ask a doctor
Thank you for your query
I understand your concern.
Looks like you have a sensitive stomach leading to these erratic bowel movements and also increased sensitivity leading to heightened perception of symptoms
Try following things
1) eat on time
2) go for regular walk
3) ensure good fiber intake
4) drink plenty of fluids
5) exercise regularly
6) at the onset of constipation can start taking laxative like dulcolax once a day, once a day bowel movement though may be un satisfactory is good enough, dont strain at any cost
7) stop thinking too much about your tummy
8) your body is not burning food its just erratic movements
9) stool is going through normal tract only
10) can do thyroid test if not done, some times ano rectal mano metry may be helpful if your gastroentrologist thinks so
11) mri special type may help like mr defecography but not absolutely necessary
12) try taking some anxioltyics if needed only if your doctor thinks so if still symptoms persists you need to alley anxiety
hope this answers your query
wish you a speedy recovery
happy to help
best wishes
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to ask a doctor
Thank you for your query
I understand your concern.
Looks like you have a sensitive stomach leading to these erratic bowel movements and also increased sensitivity leading to heightened perception of symptoms
Try following things
1) eat on time
2) go for regular walk
3) ensure good fiber intake
4) drink plenty of fluids
5) exercise regularly
6) at the onset of constipation can start taking laxative like dulcolax once a day, once a day bowel movement though may be un satisfactory is good enough, dont strain at any cost
7) stop thinking too much about your tummy
8) your body is not burning food its just erratic movements
9) stool is going through normal tract only
10) can do thyroid test if not done, some times ano rectal mano metry may be helpful if your gastroentrologist thinks so
11) mri special type may help like mr defecography but not absolutely necessary
12) try taking some anxioltyics if needed only if your doctor thinks so if still symptoms persists you need to alley anxiety
hope this answers your query
wish you a speedy recovery
happy to help
best wishes
Just to double check, what should i do now? because it has been over a week since my last normal BM.
Is the watery green stool and blood will go away, or should i do something about it?
I eat on time, exercise regularly and eat healthy. The constipation just keeps happening. Do you think other hidden issues might be causing this constipation?
Thank you!!
Just to double check, what should i do now? because it has been over a week since my last normal BM.
Is the watery green stool and blood will go away, or should i do something about it?
I eat on time, exercise regularly and eat healthy. The constipation just keeps happening. Do you think other hidden issues might be causing this constipation?
Thank you!!
Detailed Answer:
Try taking dulcolax if it is available to you with some stool softner like liquid paraffin, once you pass stool reduce dose of dulcolax to half.
Green stools is usually loose stool with unabsorbed bile in it not to worry but may mean excess use of laxatives.
Bleeding will stop if you absolutely stop straining for stools and dont do any maneuver to evacuate stools if you are doing any.
Possibility of an evacuation disorder may be there which may need ano rectal manometry or mri defecography.
best wishes
Detailed Answer:
Try taking dulcolax if it is available to you with some stool softner like liquid paraffin, once you pass stool reduce dose of dulcolax to half.
Green stools is usually loose stool with unabsorbed bile in it not to worry but may mean excess use of laxatives.
Bleeding will stop if you absolutely stop straining for stools and dont do any maneuver to evacuate stools if you are doing any.
Possibility of an evacuation disorder may be there which may need ano rectal manometry or mri defecography.
best wishes