Hi Doctor, Do Varicocele Cause Infertility In Men? I Probably

Do varicocele cause infertility in men?
I probably had varicocele my whole life but never noticed it because it never hurt or felt uncomfortable. Recently, somebody close to me was diagnosed with cancer so it scared me and made me cautious with my health. I noticed a lump in my left testicle recently and went to the hospital to find out if it was a tumor. The nurse did a physical exam and diagnosed me with varicocele. Would this cause infertility? I took a home sperm test twice and both times I saw a faint line appear (which means I have the normal amount of sperm in my ejaculate). I told my doctor about this and asked if I can have surgery or anything to get rid of my varicocele and she said that varicocele are extremely common and the only time she saw varicocele effect fertility is when the varicocele causes extreme pain in the testicle. Also, I read online that doctors don't approve every patient for varicocele removal surgery.
What do you think? I am interested in hearing your medical advice. Is it true that if my varicocele isn't bothering me that it is not going to effect my fertility? Do you think I should do anything about it?
I feel weird getting a sperm analysis because I am not actively trying to have a child right now so it will be weird to tell the doctor that I didn't even try to impregnate a woman but just want to get sperm test done "just in case".

Do varicocele cause infertility in men?
I probably had varicocele my whole life but never noticed it because it never hurt or felt uncomfortable. Recently, somebody close to me was diagnosed with cancer so it scared me and made me cautious with my health. I noticed a lump in my left testicle recently and went to the hospital to find out if it was a tumor. The nurse did a physical exam and diagnosed me with varicocele. Would this cause infertility? I took a home sperm test twice and both times I saw a faint line appear (which means I have the normal amount of sperm in my ejaculate). I told my doctor about this and asked if I can have surgery or anything to get rid of my varicocele and she said that varicocele are extremely common and the only time she saw varicocele effect fertility is when the varicocele causes extreme pain in the testicle. Also, I read online that doctors don't approve every patient for varicocele removal surgery.
What do you think? I am interested in hearing your medical advice. Is it true that if my varicocele isn't bothering me that it is not going to effect my fertility? Do you think I should do anything about it?
I feel weird getting a sperm analysis because I am not actively trying to have a child right now so it will be weird to tell the doctor that I didn't even try to impregnate a woman but just want to get sperm test done "just in case".
It depends on the severity
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Varicocele has to be clinically diagnosed and confirmed with DOPLER scan to assess the grades.
Grade 1 and 2 doesn't cause much problem
Surgery is not decided by pain.You have to get a semen analysis from a reputed lab after 3 to 5 days abstinence. If any 2 variables are affected out of 3(total count,motility and morphology) then surgery may be done to improve sperm.
If semen analysis is normal you don't need to do surgery.
It will not cause cancer.

It depends on the severity
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Varicocele has to be clinically diagnosed and confirmed with DOPLER scan to assess the grades.
Grade 1 and 2 doesn't cause much problem
Surgery is not decided by pain.You have to get a semen analysis from a reputed lab after 3 to 5 days abstinence. If any 2 variables are affected out of 3(total count,motility and morphology) then surgery may be done to improve sperm.
If semen analysis is normal you don't need to do surgery.
It will not cause cancer.

if my testicles don't hurt does that mean that low sperm production due to varicocele is uncommon?

if my testicles don't hurt does that mean that low sperm production due to varicocele is uncommon?
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Sperm production may be affected when the varicocele is severe like grade 3 or 4 as the temperature increases in testis.Also Free radicals will increase when the varicocele is severe.WHICH can be diagnosed after semen analysis.
Grade 1 and 2 is mild engorgement of veins (not visible).

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Sperm production may be affected when the varicocele is severe like grade 3 or 4 as the temperature increases in testis.Also Free radicals will increase when the varicocele is severe.WHICH can be diagnosed after semen analysis.
Grade 1 and 2 is mild engorgement of veins (not visible).

I was analyzing my testicles the other day and when I’m standing up I can’t see the varicocele but I can feel them. When I sit down with my legs closed and testicle are on top of my legs I can see them. They never hurt though.
Also, since they are so common is it only a small percentage of men with varicocele that have fertility issues.

I was analyzing my testicles the other day and when I’m standing up I can’t see the varicocele but I can feel them. When I sit down with my legs closed and testicle are on top of my legs I can see them. They never hurt though.
Also, since they are so common is it only a small percentage of men with varicocele that have fertility issues.
more prominent on standing
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Varicocele is more prominent on standing.Whem you lie down or sit it reduces due to decreased venous stasis.
As I told you earlier fertlty issues are more common in higher grades to around 70%.

more prominent on standing
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Varicocele is more prominent on standing.Whem you lie down or sit it reduces due to decreased venous stasis.
As I told you earlier fertlty issues are more common in higher grades to around 70%.

I don't think so
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To comment on that I need a dopler scan on the varicocel and semen analysis.
If you can provide me the results I will be able to help you

I don't think so
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To comment on that I need a dopler scan on the varicocel and semen analysis.
If you can provide me the results I will be able to help you

so what you are saying is that even if there is no pain or discomfort in the scrotum the varicocele still could possibly cause infertility?
When I went to the ER they didn't tell me which grade I had. The nurse just touched my scrotum and told me automatically that I have varicocele.
Also, sometimes the varicocele is visible and I can feel it when I touch it but other times it is not visible at all and I can't feel it it all. What grade do you think this would fall under. Is one of the required symptoms of grade 3 and 4 pain and discomfort?

so what you are saying is that even if there is no pain or discomfort in the scrotum the varicocele still could possibly cause infertility?
When I went to the ER they didn't tell me which grade I had. The nurse just touched my scrotum and told me automatically that I have varicocele.
Also, sometimes the varicocele is visible and I can feel it when I touch it but other times it is not visible at all and I can't feel it it all. What grade do you think this would fall under. Is one of the required symptoms of grade 3 and 4 pain and discomfort?
ultrasound scan with dopler
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You can get an ultrasound scan with DOPLER to know the grade of VARICOCELE.
If not get it examined by an urologist .
pain is not the indication of severity nor fertility.
You can get a semen analysis for that.

ultrasound scan with dopler
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You can get an ultrasound scan with DOPLER to know the grade of VARICOCELE.
If not get it examined by an urologist .
pain is not the indication of severity nor fertility.
You can get a semen analysis for that.

Need not be
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That is why I suggested a semen analysis

Need not be
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That is why I suggested a semen analysis

Need more details
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I dont know about home sperm test.Unless we do a semen analysis to see the total count ,motility and morphology we can't comment up on the effect of VARICOCELE on semen synthesis.
As I told you it can be normal in high grade varicocele too at times.
Clinical examination with semen analysis is worth.

Need more details
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I dont know about home sperm test.Unless we do a semen analysis to see the total count ,motility and morphology we can't comment up on the effect of VARICOCELE on semen synthesis.
As I told you it can be normal in high grade varicocele too at times.
Clinical examination with semen analysis is worth.

The name of the test is SpermCheck. You can buy it from a drug store or convenience store. You ejaculate in a cup, mix the semen with some solution and put 3 drops of the semen mixed with the solution in a little tester thing and if 2 lines show up that means you have normal sperm count (this test does not test for morphology or motility). I took the test twice and both times I saw 2 lines which means that my sperm count is normal.
my question is, is it still possible to have abnormal motility or morphology even if I am producing the appropriate amount of sperm per ejaculate? I have an appointment at a fertility clinic on Wednesday (I have to stay abstinent for 3-5 days) where they will take my semen analysis and give me the results that same day. I am just asking you this question just to have some insight.

The name of the test is SpermCheck. You can buy it from a drug store or convenience store. You ejaculate in a cup, mix the semen with some solution and put 3 drops of the semen mixed with the solution in a little tester thing and if 2 lines show up that means you have normal sperm count (this test does not test for morphology or motility). I took the test twice and both times I saw 2 lines which means that my sperm count is normal.
my question is, is it still possible to have abnormal motility or morphology even if I am producing the appropriate amount of sperm per ejaculate? I have an appointment at a fertility clinic on Wednesday (I have to stay abstinent for 3-5 days) where they will take my semen analysis and give me the results that same day. I am just asking you this question just to have some insight.
Yes.Count include dead sperm also
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Those tests are screening tests which may detects the quantity.
Even if you have 100 million sperm the motility and morphology determine the fertility.
According to WHO 2010 criteria (latest) you must have more than 16.5 million and above 42 % rapid progressive motility and more than 4% normal morphology.
So it will be wise to show an XXXXXXX or urologist directly.
Feel free to ask your doubt with more details

Yes.Count include dead sperm also
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Those tests are screening tests which may detects the quantity.
Even if you have 100 million sperm the motility and morphology determine the fertility.
According to WHO 2010 criteria (latest) you must have more than 16.5 million and above 42 % rapid progressive motility and more than 4% normal morphology.
So it will be wise to show an XXXXXXX or urologist directly.
Feel free to ask your doubt with more details

I am pretty sure I understand my results and it looks like everything is normal but I want to make sure by running the semen analysis results by you:
Volume: 3.8 mi
Concentration: 29.8 mi
Total sperm: 113.24
Motility: 44%
A 12%
B 18%
C 14%
D 56%
Forward progression 2.5
Liquefaction <45 minutes
Viscosity= ABN
Agglutination 2
Morphology = 9%
Can you please explain what each of these mean? Thank you!

I am pretty sure I understand my results and it looks like everything is normal but I want to make sure by running the semen analysis results by you:
Volume: 3.8 mi
Concentration: 29.8 mi
Total sperm: 113.24
Motility: 44%
A 12%
B 18%
C 14%
D 56%
Forward progression 2.5
Liquefaction <45 minutes
Viscosity= ABN
Agglutination 2
Morphology = 9%
Can you please explain what each of these mean? Thank you!
Need to improve motility
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Nice of you to send me the semen analysis report.
Volume,total sperm count and morphology are in normal range as per WHO GUIDELINES.
more of non motile sperm(56%) with increased viscosity and mild agglutination of sperm .
rapid progressive motility has to be around 35 to 45%.
Mild clumping of sperm is agglutination.
All this can be corrected.
I dont think it is due to grade 2 varicocele.
If you had unprotected sex with unknown person, you need to rule out any genitourinary tract infection .
Correcting infection will improve motility and viscosity.

Need to improve motility
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Nice of you to send me the semen analysis report.
Volume,total sperm count and morphology are in normal range as per WHO GUIDELINES.
more of non motile sperm(56%) with increased viscosity and mild agglutination of sperm .
rapid progressive motility has to be around 35 to 45%.
Mild clumping of sperm is agglutination.
All this can be corrected.
I dont think it is due to grade 2 varicocele.
If you had unprotected sex with unknown person, you need to rule out any genitourinary tract infection .
Correcting infection will improve motility and viscosity.

If varicoele didn’t cause this and what did? Also, how can I easily improve motility?

If varicoele didn’t cause this and what did? Also, how can I easily improve motility?
40 % is normal
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40 % is normal as per the guidelines.But immotile is more.So out of 40% how many are rapid progressive matters.
I said may not be varicocele as you need to rule out genitourinary infection.
Prostatitis or epididymoorchitis has to be ruled out as you had oral sex from unknown person.
Very difficult to confirm it by tests like semen culture.

40 % is normal
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40 % is normal as per the guidelines.But immotile is more.So out of 40% how many are rapid progressive matters.
I said may not be varicocele as you need to rule out genitourinary infection.
Prostatitis or epididymoorchitis has to be ruled out as you had oral sex from unknown person.
Very difficult to confirm it by tests like semen culture.

urology dr
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you should be visiting an urologist.physician won't do DRE and testicular examination.
viscosity matters for natural conception as the movement of sperm can be hindered .
Are you planning for pregnancy.
Feel free to ask your doubt with more details.

urology dr
Detailed Answer:
you should be visiting an urologist.physician won't do DRE and testicular examination.
viscosity matters for natural conception as the movement of sperm can be hindered .
Are you planning for pregnancy.
Feel free to ask your doubt with more details.

Is it possible that the viscosity varies depending on the day? Maybe I was just dehydrated this day.
But would my chances of natural conception be 0% if my viscosity is abnormal?

Is it possible that the viscosity varies depending on the day? Maybe I was just dehydrated this day.
But would my chances of natural conception be 0% if my viscosity is abnormal?
Dont worry
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Same sample if given to two labs the results can be different .
You can repeat after 2 months with 3 to 5 days abstinance .Preferably semen analysis is done before 1pm and within 30min to 60min.
Please give me some more details about you like weight , height ,smoking ,alcohol and other medications.
Also about working pattern.

Dont worry
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Same sample if given to two labs the results can be different .
You can repeat after 2 months with 3 to 5 days abstinance .Preferably semen analysis is done before 1pm and within 30min to 60min.
Please give me some more details about you like weight , height ,smoking ,alcohol and other medications.
Also about working pattern.

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