Hi Doctor ,I Hope You Are Doing Well , I
about thyroid carcinoma follow up;
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking!
I have gone through your concern in details.
An increase of antithyroglobulin level from 3.8 to 4.6 is not significant.
Such small differences can be due to laboratory measurements.
As you may know, the target of the absence of the tumor residue is thyroglobulin under 1 with negative antibodies (no matter high how they are when they are still within the normal ranges). The absence of thyroid issue and lymph nodes an ultrasound and a negative scintiscan once a year.
So, you should not get worried about the antibodies but your physician will complete the other exams (once a year or occasionally) in order to be sure that everything is under control.
Best wishes,
About antiTg antibodies:
Detailed Answer:
Hi again,
AntiTg antibodies can hardly result exact the same value even if you check them within a few days.
There are slight insignificant changes, not to be taken intoconsideration.
There isn' t any known reason until now about the slight differences during the life time and even if they stay at these levels later on, it is not to get worried.
Best wishes,