Hi Doctor, Seeking Suggestions For ANABOLIC STEROID . I Have

Seeking suggestions for ANABOLIC STEROID.
I have started weight training some 3 months back. I used to train 2 years back, then my body weight was somewhere around 71KG.
Right now, I am weighing at 85KG.
My height is 5'8" and age is 28, having no physical illness, having no bad habits of consuming alcohol or smoking. I neither drink nor smoke.
My query is that I have started Weight training with the guidance of a personal trainer and following a strict diet plan, hit GYM 5 times a week.
But, to my utter XXXXXXX the body of mine is not all responding, I am not building any single cm of muscles. This kind of result is absolutely frustrating and demotivating. Having said that I have been providing the required all the necessary micro, macronutrients and resting to the body.
My sincere efforts are not yielding to result, which makes me believe that the body is needing ANABOLIC steroid and HGH.
So, I would request you to provide the guidance with the aforementioned queries.
Awaiting your response!
With Warm Regards!
Anabolic steroids are prescribed to patients who have severe muscle wasting
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mr Ramakant,
Thank you for consulting me on Ask A Doctor service.
I have gone through your query carefully and I understand your frustration with your honest efforts to gain muscle mass while losing weight.
As per your weight and height, your BMI is 28.5. And it is considered as borderline obesity.
A weight of 71 would have been quite ideal for your height as you have mentioned.
I completely understand your problem, but in your case, to actually see the results of weight training, you will have to work hard for at the very least an year.
Loosing or gaining weight suddenly are absolutely no no.
There other issues that need to be addressed before losing hope in weight training.
If you are not losing weight as desired, there may be hormonal issues.
The most common cause for inability to lose weight even after careful and consistent exercising is hypothyroidism.
Please rule out hypothyroidism first.
Please do get back to me with the thyroid test results I will guide you further based on those results.
As for the anabolic steroids, they are essentially like testosterone and act by inducing genes that are responsible for increased metabolic state, but they have very high abuse potential and when taken for longer periods (more than 2 weeks), will cause irreversible myocardial changes, and irreversible scaring in the kidneys.
You will not find any honest doctor willing to prescribe you anabolic steroids.
And you will not find them legally without a doctors prescription.
If you persist, then you will be beyond legal bounds.
These are serious medicines that have very narrow therapeutic windows and should never be used lightly.
In my honest opinion, your issue is probably thyroid related and very short time.
Hope you will find this information useful.
You are most welcome to discuss further.
Wishing you good health.
Warm regards.

Thanks for answering my query!
Where have I written that I wanted to lose weight? I have written about muscle building.
You have added it to yourself the concept of weight loss and so-called Hypothyroidism, I think I have no need say to you that fat loss and weight loss are two different things. Here, I am seeking help in Muscle gain
How do you know and wherein Medical science it is being written that in three months you can't even gain single cm of muscles?
Despite following a strict diet and exercise regimen and providing the ample rest to the body for recovery.
What about testosterone hormone instead of your hypothyroidism, I would consider for evaluation of Androgenic hormone(Total testosterone), Human Growth Hormone. The function of Hypothallus gland and pituitary imaging would be beneficial, I guess.
In muscle building, Thyroid function test is being ruled out here as it is needless. The hormone is not responsible for making muscle, hence being ruled out.
If anabolic steroid has so many side effects and doesn't any positive effect, then why the discovery of the drugs been happened, if, it's doesn't have any positive result then.
What about TRT, you'ven't mentioned that.
I said my body is totally un-responsible to weight training not gaining a single cm in muscle mass. There is a need to tell you that the more muscle we build the more fat we tend to lose .so, my question was not about weight loss. It was about the body not responding to weight training and not building muscle that's it. So, here the thyroid hormone has nothing to do.
Please, go through the query again and answer it accordingly, I desperately need your help.
You have not said you want to lose weight, I am advising you to.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again Mr Ramakant.
I am glad that you have written back to me clarifying what you want exactly.
Yes, I agree with you that you have not written that you need to lose weight.
I advised you that based on your BMI. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of hypertention, diabetes and cardiovascular problem in the future.
Now as for increasing the lean muscle mass, you need to train at least 1 year to see noticeable increase in the size of muscles. You will definitely be having a positive changes in muscles before that, but to see that change you will have to objectively measure the muscle strength and muscle volume by imaging studies like MRI.
You may think that thyroid hormone is not important in metabolism, but you would be absolutely wrong.
Many hormones, including endogenous steroid hormones, growth hormones and thyroid hormones are essential for normal metabolic activity.
Thyroid hormone does influence carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism.
Here is the literature pertaining to that...
I understand that you are well read on the subject, but it is impossible for anyone to know everything there is to know about any subject.
Anabolic steroids are made by the body, testosterone is the anabolic steroid that is made within your body, but the important thing to remember here is, it is not produced excessively, like when you take these hormones in the form of injections or tablets.
The synthesis and release of testosterone is highly controlled through gonadotropins released by the anterior pituitary.
Testosterone along with growth hormone plays a vital role in msucle protein synthesis and all of this goes on everyday within your body.
As you put more work on your muscles, repeatedly over long periods of time, like many months, that stimulates the appropriate gene expression required for increasing the muscle mass.
Taking additional anabolic steroids will help you gain muscle mass, but as soon as you stop that additional anabolic steroid intake, your muscles will vanish within a short period of time if you do not continue to work out more and more.
And, since exogenous anabolic steroids also have innumerable side-effects we preserve the use of these medicines to patients with AIDS and severe muscle wasting who would otherwise die.
Since you are normal, healthy person, you will end up with unwanted side effects more than beneficial effects.
You can go ahead and get your testosterone levels checked, along with growth hormone levels, pituitary and hypothalamus imaging, as well as testes size measurement.
In my honest opinion however, I will be really surprised if they come as abnormal.
You can get those tests done for your satisfaction.
And I repeat, no qualified doctor will prescribe you anabolic steroids without a disease that requires them to be given. And they were discovered for that reason.
Best regards.

Thanks for answering my question! I have a couple of more questions, Which are as follows:-
1-What is the difference between Anabolic Steroid and testosterone? If found low why doctors prescribe the patient to TRT if both are same?
2-How human growth hormone can be evaluated and if, found below the normal range, How it can be corrected? What's the relation of HGH and Muscle building?
3-You haven't emphasized about fat loss and weight loss.
4-A person can gain 1 to 2 pound of muscles every month, if his diet and resting period and doesn't have any extreme medical conditions.
S Also the muscle gain to vary from person to person. On can fat easily, while one can gain muscle easily. So, your theory of gaining muscle takes at least one year is being ruled out here.
5-The International standard of BMI is not applicable to bodybuilders and pregnant women, so here instead of weight loss, One should be much concentrate on weight loss, rather than focusing on Muscle building and weight training.
6-You didn't understand my questions. Hence, I am repeating it for your convenience, I asked about I have been doing weight training under the guidance of a personal trainer my diet is being customized by Dietitian.
I am providing the ample resting/sleeping of 8 hours every day. Despite of doing these, my body didn't make a single cm of muscle. Here I am not talking about huge muscle gain.
7-What is the role of Serum Cortisol in Muscle building? Which kind of the specialty of doctor do I need for consultation? Would I go to the Urologist? endocrinologist?Genecist/andrologist.
8-I have been investing money and time but sadly body is not making muscle single cm of muscles. I am here not talking about significant gain but not a single cm gain.
My friends joined along with they gain visible gain but in my case not a single cm.
9- Which makes me believe that something is not right inside my body, though I don't have any major problems till yet. Which draw a conclusion that either it would be genetics or human growth hormone.
How to replace the faulty gene which causing hindrance in muscle gain and corrects them? Would I go for genetic testing? I highly disappointed in my body. It is the worst kind of body one could have had.
11-How to test the muscle formation ability of the body? How it can be corrected if found minimal? Hi Doctor,
Thanks for answering my question! I have a couple of more questions, Which are as follows:-
1-What is the difference between Anabolic Steroid and testosterone? If found low why doctors prescribe the patient to TRT if both are same?
2-How human growth hormone can be evaluated and if, found below the normal range, How it can be corrected? What's the relation of HGH and Muscle building?
3-You haven't emphasized about fat loss and weight loss.
4-A person can gain 1 to 2 pound of muscles every month, if his diet and resting period and doesn't have any extreme medical conditions.
S Also the muscle gain to vary from person to person. On can fat easily, while one can gain muscle easily. So, your theory of gaining muscle takes at least one year is being ruled out here.
5-The International standard of BMI is not applicable to bodybuilders and pregnant women, so here instead of weight loss, One should be much concentrate on weight loss, rather than focusing on Muscle building and weight training.
6-Have you seen International Body Builder, What's are your opinion about them. Are they use steroid? How can a normal human build that type of definition of muscles? This clears your doubt about the harmful or positive side of Steroid.
7-You didn't understand my questions. Hence, I am repeating it for your convenience, I asked about I have been doing weight training under the guidance of a personal trainer my diet is being customized by Dietitian.
I am providing the ample resting/sleeping of 8 hours every day. Despite doing these, my body didn't make a single cm of muscle. Here I am not talking about huge muscle gain.
8-What is the role of Serum Cortisol in Muscle building? Which kind of the specialty of doctor do I need for consultation? Would I go to the Urologist? endocrinologist?Genecist/andrologist.
9-I have been investing money and time but sadly body is not making muscle single cm of muscles. I am here not talking about significant gain but not a single cm gain.
My friends joined along with they gain visible gain but in my case not a single cm.
10- Which makes me believe that something is not right inside my body, though I don't have any major problems till yet. Which draw a conclusion that either it would be genetics or human growth hormone.
How to replace the faulty gene which causing hindrance in muscle gain and corrects them? Would I go for genetic testing? I highly disappointed in my body. It is the worst kind of body one could have ever had.
11-How to test the muscle formation ability of the body? How it can be corrected if found minimal? What is muscle MRI scan? What can be achieved through this?
12-How to maximize the muscle growth? In case the non responding body like mine.
My thyroid is normal.Haven't check HGH and TESTO yet.
13- What are the process to force the body to build muscle to its full potential?If you are saying anabolic steroid is harmful?
14- I am seeking help from you. Please, guide me regarding my query and help me out of this mess. Step by step answers is needed here. I hope, you will do that.
Warm Regards
Apologies for the delay in answering. Find the detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again Mr Ramakant,
Apologies for the delay in answering your follow-up questions, I was out of town.
You should tone down your accusations and read the answers carefully. Your questions have been answered, just because the answer is not what you want does not mean I have not understood your questions.
I am sincerely trying to help you to the best of my ability and the limited capacity through this online platform.
I will answer all your questions one by one... It is not necessary that you will find my answers to be aligning with your already decided mind, I understand that you have read about TRT and anabolic steroids, and due to the limitation of not being a doctor, you have formed opinions about them that are not warranted.
That said, I appreciate your efforts to bridge that gap and understand things better, so please bear with me..
1. What is the difference between Anabolic Steroid and testosterone? If found low why doctors prescribe the patient to TRT if both are same?
Answer: Testosterone one of the steroid hormones produced by your body, and testosterone is an androgen, and it is an anabolic steroid hormone.
When you refer to anabolic steroids, what you are referring to are the ones that are synthesised outside the body, in a lab.
We prescribe testosterone to patients, (remember they are patients) who have been confirmed by diagnostic tests to have low testosterone levels and have effects due to low testosterone levels.
2. How human growth hormone can be evaluated and if, found below the normal range, How it can be corrected? What's the relation of HGH and Muscle building?
Answer: HGH level can be tested in the lab, like any other hormone assay, but since the levels normally vary depending on the time of the day, multiple samples at multiple times maybe needed to make sense of the values or a suppression test or stimulation test need to be done. If found below normal, it can be corrected by daily injections. HGH injections increase muscle mass, HGH is also anabolic.
3. You haven't emphasized about fat loss and weight loss.
Answer: Fat loss is more important than weight loss. Your weight can remain relatively higher, but the relative lean mass to fat should increase, that is, there should be less fat than lean muscle mass.
4. A person can gain 1 to 2 pound of muscles every month, if his diet and resting period and doesn't have any extreme medical conditions. S Also the muscle gain to vary from person to person. On can fat easily, while one can gain muscle easily. So, your theory of gaining muscle takes at least one year is being ruled out here.
Answer: This question itself is contradictory. As you have said, not everyone is same, some gain muscle easily, some gain fat easily based on their hormonal status and genetic makeup, similarly one cannot gain muscle easily or fat easily. Each individual is different and it is futile to generalise. That said, yes, you can gain muscle mass in a few months, but not to the extent you have mentioned, each individual muscle will not gain pounds of mass within months, totally you may gain a few pounds of muscle mass in a few months, but that will be difficult to measure on individual muscles unless you measure the before and after volume of individual muscle.
5. The International standard of BMI is not applicable to bodybuilders and pregnant women, so here instead of weight loss, One should be much concentrate on weight loss, rather than focusing on Muscle building and weight training.
Answer: This question is also not very clear, standard BMI is not very useful in people who are body building, however, as a general rule, higher BMI is not highly desirable even for body builders.
6. Have you seen International Body Builder, What's are your opinion about them. Are they use steroid? How can a normal human build that type of definition of muscles? This clears your doubt about the harmful or positive side of Steroid.
Answer: Many body builders dedicate their whole life towards this goal and they achieve what they achieve through weight training regularly without gaps for years, and if they have to get back in shape again, it will take them also years of working hard again.
Some (not all) of these international body builders do use anabolic steroids, and if they ever compete in any athletics, they will be banned for using these drugs (doping).
Most of the knowledge about the ill effects of anabolic steroids comes from such illegal use of these medicines for body building by such body builders who use these steroids.
Normal human can build such muscles by working hard for many years (as I mentioned, they dedicate their whole life towards it).
7. You didn't understand my questions. Hence, I am repeating it for your convenience, I asked about I have been doing weight training under the guidance of a personal trainer my diet is being customized by Dietitian. I am providing the ample resting/sleeping of 8 hours every day. Despite doing these, my body didn't make a single cm of muscle. Here I am not talking about huge muscle gain.
Answer: I have understood your questions and I have answered them meticulously, because my answers do not align with your expectations, you disregard them and claim that I have not answered your question.
I understand that you are not talking about huge and sudden gain in muscle mass, and you are worried why you have not been able to appreciate even a little bit of change in your muscle mass. As I said in the first replay, the muscle is getting stronger and bulkier, but because it has been only a few months, you are not yet noticing the change. Continue to work hard with patience and ask your instructor to concentrate of muscle mass more now. Increase the duration of working out individual muscle by 20% initially and increase it every week for 10%.
8. What is the role of Serum Cortisol in Muscle building? Which kind of the specialty of doctor do I need for consultation? Would I go to the Urologist? endocrinologist?Genecist/andrologist.
Answer: Cortisol inhibits amino acid (the building blocks of muscle protein) uptake by the muscles so it makes it hard to gain muscle mass. High levels of stress release more cortisol and hence difficulty gaining muscle mass.
You can consult an endocrinologist.
9. I have been investing money and time but sadly body is not making muscle single cm of muscles. I am here not talking about significant gain but not a single cm gain. My friends joined along with they gain visible gain but in my case not a single cm.
Answer: I completely understand your frustration, as you have noted previously, you used to work out few years ago and you have stopped and resumed again now. Leaving gaps like this makes it harder subsequently, but trust me, you will start noticing the changes if you continue without losing heart. Meanwhile, it is good to rule out hypothyroidism.
You can consult an endocrinologist and take it forward from there.
10. Which makes me believe that something is not right inside my body, though I don't have any major problems till yet. Which draw a conclusion that either it would be genetics or human growth hormone. How to replace the faulty gene which causing hindrance in muscle gain and corrects them? Would I go for genetic testing? I highly disappointed in my body. It is the worst kind of body one could have ever had.
Answer: If there is any issue, it is most likely thyroid related and not growth hormone or testosterone related. If it was testosterone related, then you would be complaining of symptoms of low testosterone levels which are sexual function related.
There is no way to replace the faulty genes yet, some Chinese scientists are starting research on gene therapy, but that is still at a very early stage and it will take many decades before it is available for general public.
Genetic testing is not useful. You should talk to a counsellor about your self-image.
11. How to test the muscle formation ability of the body? How it can be corrected if found minimal? What is muscle MRI scan? What can be achieved through this?
Answer: By using ultrasound scanning you can measure the volume of the muscles, and compare them after a few weeks of weight training, you will notice the change in the volume of the muscles gradually, over many months.
If there is not much gain in muscle volume, then you should check your thyroid profile and proceed based on that and consult an endocrinologist.
If you look at the muscle volume through MRI rather than ultrasound, that is MRI scan, it will be more accurate than ultrasound but very costly.
You can only know if your muscles are increasing in size or not.
12. How to maximize the muscle growth? In case the non-responding body like mine. My thyroid is normal. Haven't check HGH and TESTO yet.
Answer: You need to continue to work hard and do not stop, you will eventually start noticing the change.
You say your thyroid is normal, if you have the reports, please upload them, let me have a look.
You can check HGH and testosterone and get back to me.
13. What are the process to force the body to build muscle to its full potential? If you are saying anabolic steroid is harmful?
Answer: Working out regularly without any long breaks ( do not give breaks longer than a week). This is the only way.
14. I am seeking help from you. Please, guide me regarding my query and help me out of this mess. Step by step answers is needed here. I hope, you will do that.
Answer: I have tried my best to help you and guide you, I have spent considerable amount of time in answering every single question of yours pointwise.
I hope you will be satisfied with this answer. Please close the discussion if you no more questions, if you still need any clarifications, please do write back, and I will try to do the best I can.
Wishing you good health.
Best regards

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