Hi, I Am A 60 Year (over 5 Year Survivor)
This mass in abdomen is worrisome
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
The disease seems to have responded in the lungs but the abdominal mass is growing progressively. It doesn't look like a cyst or fluid collection but rather a solid mass with calcification. Now, it may be due to the spread of malignancy, or it may ve a separate entity. A guided biopsy from that should help.
As you are on a trial, I can't comment about the side effects, as I don't know which drug you are taking. In general, ret inhibitors do not cause much anemia and ascites is unlikely. We need to look at the cause of anemia, like iron deficiency, b12 or folate deficiency or any any blood loss. Then we can address that. Blood transfusions are quite safe these days.
We also need the ascitic fluid analysis and find out the cause. If it is malignant, then low salt and diuretics won't help. It is better to drain in moderate stage rather than severe stage.
Hope this helps.