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Hi, I Am Displaying Below List Of Sysmtpoms. • Lack

Posted on Fri, 10 Jul 2020
Question: Hi, I am displaying below list of sysmtpoms.
•     Lack of motivation
•     Lack of energy all day
•     Bodily pain- not wanting to get out of bed
•     Drug addiction
•     Porn Addiction (been trying to get rid of it)
•     Can't get my career straight, I know how to do it, just cant do it
•     Recurring thoughts about my brother while im trying to sleep
•     Traumatized childhood (father)
•     Socially Excluded feeling (maybe Ive gotten aggressive, bitter)
•     Have forgotten simple pragatics
•     Living bymyself for 4+ years
•     Turned from extrovert to introvert
•     Been trying to start a business but cant seem to forge the energy, know how to do it and be successfull
•     I look to others to live my life. I simply forget pragamtics.
•     My parents are narcisistic in nature and im turning into that which I dont want to
•     I constantly think about them and want to please them
•     My relationship is codependant with them. I cant make decisions bymyself.
•     I broke up relationships just for them and went into social exclusion
•     I think I have become a narcist
•     cant keep track of simple things like my own finance
•     Forget to do stuff
•     Even if I know what I need to do, I put it off
•     Looking for a sense of belonging with a family but cant get it
•     Always want to escape (rush) either the drugs or watching a movie
•     Whenever something touches me (emotionally), my body shakes/ hairs stand up
•     I have a fear of watching/ observing tough situations which make my hair stand up
•     -I started doing well when I got into an argument with my friends and I was starting to do my own stuff
•     -Similar situation happened about 10 years ago with my father. I went on a loop of weight lifting. And then I stopped
•     when I left the house
•     I have lower back groin area pain since then
•     Clenched fists while trying to sleep, body is turned sideways. I cant sleep on my back.
•     Becoming very inactive.
•     I think im a scaed big child inside and thats why my body has not grown in size/ muscle mass
•     Cant seem to stick to work? Feel like the next thing is better. Dont feel happy for the current relationships I have.

Answered by Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (42 minutes later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
Dear Adnan,
Thanks for using Ask a doctor panel.

I read your and understand your concerns.

From the available description I think we need to consider multiple diagnosis for your condition rather than the one. This is because there are multiple symptoms which can not be explained on basis of single diagnosis.

Having said this I feel there is possibility of mixed anxiety and depressive disorder along with cluster C personality disorder. I feel so because there are enough symptoms to meet the criteria for above conditions.

I also feel that many of escape symptoms are result of primary condition and associated symptoms.

Considering above possibility I feel combination of medication and psychotherapy will work best for you.

In my opinion you should consult a psychologist in your city for detailed evaluation and required management. I must assure you that with appropriate care and treatment most of your symptoms can be controlled and reversed to optimal functioning.

I hope this helps you.
Feel free to revert back to me if you have more questions.
Thanks and regards.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (10 hours later)

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. What is the primary condition?

So, you wouldn't recommend that I see a psychiatrist and instead I should see a psychologist?

What kind of medication can I expect them to give me?

Thank you for the assurance. This has been detrimental to my living and I finally got the courage to ask the question.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up

Detailed Answer:
Dear Adnana,
Thanks for follow up.

The determination of primary condition depends on the fact that what came first and what followed. Considering this fact it can not be determined as per the available information. This can be answered easily if I have details of symptoms in chronological order.

However I feel there is dominance of depressive symptoms so it can be considered as provisional primary diagnosis.

As stated above I feel combination of medication and psychotherapy will deliver better for you. Medication part is managed by psychiatrist and psychotherapy part is managed by psychologist. So it does not mean you need not to go to psychiatrist but visiting psychologist is initial step rather than the final step.

There is good possibility that you will be offered antidepressant as well as psychotherapy (cognitive behavior therapy have best evidence in this regard).

I completely understand that it is very tough to deal so many things but please understand that it is not something which cannot be treated. There are multiple treatment options available which can be gauged against your needs.

I hope this helps you further.
Thanks and regards.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (14 hours later)

I would say it doesn't feel normal to be doing so well in life and then all these things hit and you have no idea how to even reach out for help. Desi parents are very tough people and they seem to breed these things into their kids. I grew up in the USA and had a totally different culture at school versus the home. I truly value your advice as it has given me a sense of hope and liberation. I have listed my symptoms/ events in chronological order.

Chronological Order of Events
1.     Traumatized childhood (father hit me a couple of times). My parents are narcissistic in nature and I’m turning into that which I don’t want to. My father would often ignore me when I was a child as a way to punish me. He kept this grudge going till date.
2.     My relationship has become codependent with them. I can’t make decisions myself. I broke up relationships just for them and went into social exclusion.
The above points) are where this all started.
3.     Porn Addiction (I have been trying to get rid of it). This started right around 7th grade which was about 13 years ago. It became an escape from my father’s mental torture.
4.     Always looking for a sense of belonging in social settings while its supposed to be in a family setting. Looking for a sense of belonging with other people’s families. Looked for it in social settings (for example, friends). When I stayed with my family, my thoughts stopped racing so much (a three-month period this year). However, they start becoming verbally abusive and guilt trip me so I tend to get angry at them and they kicked me out.
5.     Drug addiction (marijuana). This started around 1.5 years ago when I met a friend who does it. I was looking for a sense of belonging. Always want to escape (rush) either the drugs or watching a movie.
6.     Recurring thoughts about my brother while I’m trying to sleep. He died in a car crash about 6 months ago. I keep thinking that someone did this instead of coming to terms with it.

Answered by Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (13 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up

Detailed Answer:
Dear Adnan,
Thanks for follow up and providing required details.

I am sorry to note there is ongoing imposed psychological crisis which was started during early childhood. I completely understand how it becomes very difficult to cope with two contrasting cultures for a child.

Having said this the provided details in chronological order is not of additional help in arriving a diagnosis but clearly indicates there is suffering primarily due to depression otherwise known as major depressive disorder. The other comorbid diagnosis include harmful cannabis abuse as escape mechanism. It can also be stated that cannabis, porn addiction are secondary to depression rather than an independent diagnosis.

In my opinion medications should be the main stay of treatment for the primary diagnosis.

However there are many psychological conflicts which need treatment by psychotherapy as medications are largely unhelpful in this regard.

I hope this helps you further.
Thanks and regards.
Note: For further guidance on mental health, Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary


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Hi, I Am Displaying Below List Of Sysmtpoms. • Lack

Brief Answer: Consultation Detailed Answer: Dear Adnan, Thanks for using Ask a doctor panel. I read your and understand your concerns. From the available description I think we need to consider multiple diagnosis for your condition rather than the one. This is because there are multiple symptoms which can not be explained on basis of single diagnosis. Having said this I feel there is possibility of mixed anxiety and depressive disorder along with cluster C personality disorder. I feel so because there are enough symptoms to meet the criteria for above conditions. I also feel that many of escape symptoms are result of primary condition and associated symptoms. Considering above possibility I feel combination of medication and psychotherapy will work best for you. In my opinion you should consult a psychologist in your city for detailed evaluation and required management. I must assure you that with appropriate care and treatment most of your symptoms can be controlled and reversed to optimal functioning. I hope this helps you. Feel free to revert back to me if you have more questions. Thanks and regards.