Hi, I Am Here To Ask About A Health Issue
My resting heart rate rises past 100+ whenever I get up and move. Laying down and doing deep breathing decreases it. However, my blood pressure is more than fine, generally clocking below 120 systolic (100/110/120) and 80 dystolic (70/80/90). I have also taken glucose tests both fasting and random and have found regular blood sugar levels, so I am not diabetic. However, a blood test from last September indicated a high LDL level.
At times, I feel like I get a panic attack, wherein both my arms go numb and my head begins to feel numb as well, with a quickening of my pulse. It doesn't feel like any mere panic attack to me, just that this is what others describe it as. A panic attack comes and goes, but this has been ongoing for me. I began taking Trazodone for insomnia and Sertraline for anxiety and depression on the last week of May. But starting in XXXXXXX I began feeling these symptoms. I can still breathe fine throughout everything, but the numbing takes a toll on me whenever these "attacks" occur. Generally speaking, I feel on edge for a lot of the time, tingling in my limbs, and on the worst of it the quickened pulse and numbing. I should note that whenever I start to sob or get really upset, the actual numbing of my arms occurs; I cannot move them, and my head goes numb as well. That's when it really happens. Prior instances feel like a lowered, neutered state of this but ever-present. Sleeping and deep breathing helps alleviate it, but I should mention I can feel my arms falling asleep when sleeping. Additionally, I was exhibiting GERD-like symptoms late May and early XXXXXXX with acid reflux coming back up my throat in the morning, and indigestion and gassyness (Lots of burping and gas passing). This went away after I began a healthy diet and ate properly. I do feel like when my stomach is contracting to about to do number 2 also triggers my episodes.
Prior to this XXXXXXX I did not feel this way about my heart or in general. I only had a slight discomfort in my left arm last August, as it felt weak, like as if it was faintly entering parasthesia, but not all the way through. For this I was given Gabapentin in September and then later on Clonazepam (I only began taking it on January despite being given it the following October upon revisit). I only felt better when I had Clonazepam until it ran out in March. Besides that, it was just that arm discomfort that spread to both arms later past October. No complaints of high heart rate or numbing. But on December I had the first of these episodes, the one with the true numbing. Paramedics had come by twice in the past to see my vitals and tell me I am fine. A recent hospital trip in XXXXXXX had cardiograms, electrograms, an X-ray, 3 instances of blood taken and an echo; they said nothing was wrong with my heart, or organically otherwise. Medicine and therapy was what they suggested, but in hindsight they neglected how my resting heart rate would rise too much upon moving; I had been in a bed for 90% of the observation period, and like I said before, I lower my pulse when deep breathing laying down. In January, February, March, April and May I was doing fine. The first 3 months I had been taking Clonazepam.
A revisit in the last week of May yielded a different doctor taking over for the one I had been seeing as he was on vacation at the time, who suggested against the Clonazepam (And I only went because I ran out in March and was asking for refills), and upon me mentioning recent insomnia and the previous anxiety issues he instead gave me that Trazodone and Sertraline combo, 50 mg each, the former taken before bed at night and the latter in the morning for an "energy boost" during the day.
The hospital trip has increased the dosage to 100 mg each now instead of 50 mg on account of the staff that saw to me there. I may have skipped 2 or 3 days of taking one or the other in XXXXXXX but since the last week of May I have been taking it. They claim the initial dose was too low, but I only began feeling this way AFTER I began medication.
My chief concern right now is the heart rate when moving, and the numbness that occurs sometimes. I want to know how to get rid of it, whether it is indeed panic attacks or not. If there is any additional information I must divulge let me know. Upon moving it can get as high as 140 to 150 pulses. And sometimes I feel pain in my heart/chest.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to "Ask a Doctor"service.
I am Dr Ajeet XXXXXXX
I have gone through your query and here is my opinion.
As per your symptoms,I strongly feel that you are suffering from a mixed anxiety depression syndrome and panic attacks.
Palpitations,pounding heart and increased resting pulse rate are the cardinal signs of generalised anxiety.
Every anxiety has some degree of depression associated with it and every depression has some degree of anxiety associated with it.
You have predominant anxiety symptoms.
The other symptoms which are quite common in mixed AD Syndrome are insomnia,restlessness,headache,numbness,tingling,acid reflux,bloating,indigestion,anorexia,nausea,feeling of doom,lack of drive,inability to focus or concentrate,irritability,weight changes,decreased libido,poor sexual performance,social withdrawal etc.
The other points in favour of your diagnosis is the fact that you have been evaluated for a heart ailment and comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes.
Hope that your thyroid levels have also been procured.
Benzodiazepines like clonazepam are drug of choice for panic attacks and you responded well to It.
You are taking Trazadone and sertaline since May last and as the optimum blood levels are acheived,you will feel better.
In addition to this,you should learn relaxation techniques and belly breathing,do meditation and yoga,be physically active,have a rich fiber diet,get regular sun exposure,take commercially available multivitamin supplements and visit a psychologist for behavioural therapy and counselling.
Hope that I have answered your query.
If you have any doubts,please let me know.
Stay healthy and stay blessed.