Hi, I Got My Period Or So I Think, 9th
I got my period or so I think, 9th of May. I just removed my iud back on April 20th. It%E2%80%99s copper so no hormones. Shortly after my period ended which was really short like two days of bleeding. On the 12th I got a faint line on the pregnancy test. I thought it was a evaporation lines. So didn%E2%80%99t think much of it. Decided to take it again. Clear blue had a much stronger line today. Along with other tests saying positive as well. Just not first response digital said no. I just want to know if I should go in to see my doctor? Could I be pregnant? the first one there was taken like 2-3 days ago. this other ome was taken today. both lines showed up right away within the time frame so i took a picture before it dried.
Unlikely to be pregnant
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for sharing your health concern with us.
I have gone through your query and would like to offer my opinion.
I have gone through your attached reports.
Please mention the date of your last menstrual period. If you had a natural period on the 9th of May, you are unlikely to be pregnant. If this was an implantation bleeding, as supported by the positive home pregnancy tests, your chances of pregnancy are high.
In the current scenario, ideally, you should have a proper clinical evaluation and a trans-vaginal sonogram for clarification. If this is not possible in view of the current global situation, please go for telemedicine and get a blood test for pregnancy done.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if I can assist you further.