Hi I Have These Two Spots Dents Sort Of Could
Please give details and post focused, clear photographs with natural colors
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific.
Please give additional information for me to assist your better:
First of all, the photo is not clear, please attach a clear and focused photo in good light to show natural colors.
Since when have you got these?
Any lump that you can feel?
Any other symptoms like itching, pain or so?
Any lymph node enlargement in armpit?
Any history of cancer, particularly breast cancer in blood related family?
Are you married? If yes, any children/breast feeding?
Are there such spots anywhere else on body?
Please give detailed and one by one answers as these are self-explanatory in many cases.
Awaiting for your feedback and clear photos.
Dr T Chandrakant.
General Surgeon.
Any lump that you can feel? No lump
Any other symptoms like itching, pain or so? No
Any lymph node enlargement in armpit? No
Any history of cancer, particularly breast cancer in blood related family? No
Are you married? If yes, any children/breast feeding?no
Are there such spots anywhere else on body?no
History and photos not suggestive of cancer, needs further evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your full feedback and fresh photos.
From the details in history and photos you have provided there is no evidence that this can be cancerous - no lump, no tethering of skin.
Sine you look to be anxious I would suggest you the following:
An actual examination of breast and armpits for any lumps.
Mammography and Ultrasonography of beasts and armpits.
If there is a suspicious lesion FNAC that is fine needle aspiration cytology can give the best answer. If everything is normal then the anxiety will be reduced.
Please get these done and stop worrying as per the presentation you have given by proper history and photos.
I hope this answers your specific query.
Dr T Chandrakant.
General Surgeon.
Watch and take photos at an angle of 90 degrees to skin
Detailed Answer:
This is a good question.
The sign is called Peau d'orange: the skin is dimpled at the spots, literally like the skin of an orange.
This has to be seen tangential to the skin at an angle of 90 degrees to see whether there is orange skin like skin.
Please observe and post photos take at an angle of 90 degrees to skin and post.
I hope this answer helps you further.
no Peau d'orange appearance as per the photos posted.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your additional photos.
None of them have Peau d'orange appearance, no lump, no nodes.
So no worry.
get a Mammography and Ultrasonography to confirm that everything is normal or no, to alleviate anxiety.
And post the reports.
Best wishes, have a great day.
Dr T Chandrakant.