Hi, I’m A 31 Year Old Male. Recently I Had
What could cause my skin to react like this as well as my liver function result being elevated? Could any skin issues cause elevated liver function results in the blood test?
I feel ok otherwise, I don’t feel ‘sick’ in fact. Just my skin is so so dry, flakey and scaly.
I’m very worried and don’t know what it could be?
I’m not sure what I should ask my doctor to investigate as they haven’t yet referred me to a dermatologist or hepatologist.
Please upload images
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for using the Ask a Doctor service.
I have gone carefully through your query. However, I would need you to upload images of your skin lesions and they would help me to identify the possible connection with the derangement of liver function test. A raised CRP indicates some ongoing infection or inflammation. In your case the latter seems more likely. I need to ask you whether you are on antibiotics and whether the steroids seem to have helped. The steroids are anti-inflammatory agents. It could be due to various causes like sepsis, XXXXXXX XXXXXXX syndrome and a myriad of possibilities that I would not like to make you unnecessarily apprehensive about.
I would wait for your response and based on your inputs I would guide you further. I would also request you to mention the exact values of the investigations.
I’m afraid I don’t know the exact values of the tests doctor, my own doctor didn’t provide them, only that of the four blood tests I’ve had over the past month it has shown elevated liver function, alkaline phosphatase & CRP. One result came back haemolyaed so was dismissed. All my blood tests for hepatitis were clear so ruled out. The live ultrasound she didn’t tell me why specifically other than she wanted to check for lesions on the liver itself.
I have no jaundice or pale stools, no fever or muscle aches. The only symptoms other than the skin problems and flare ups, is I’ve been feeling a little bit weak & faint if I am moving around.
The steroid tablets I was taking were Prednisolone 5mg 4x daily. They didn’t really help.
I’m not currently taking any antibiotics or other oral medicine. Just using the cream as needed.
The skin rashes seem unrelated to the liver function report
Detailed Answer:
I have checked the attached images. The rashes seem to be due to allergic cause. You need to take some antiallergic like cetirizine once daily for the next few days (assumably even if they do not seem to help). There is associated dryness of skin and you need to apply some moisturizer like aloe vera lotion topically.
I do not see a connection with the deranged liver function. I would be able to comment further only after getting to know the extent of derangement. I would also insist you to get your platelet count checked.
I would wait for your response.