Hi, I've Been Experiencing Extreme Bloating, Burping And Heart Palpitations

I have used homeopathy for this and usually Carbo Veg 200C works very well, but 2 weeks ago it just completely stopped working. I have tried different potencies: 6c, 12c, 30c and it did not help. I have also tried: China, XXXXXXX Phos, Lycopodium, Arsenicum, Arg Nit, Abies Canadensis, Nux Vomica, Asafoetida, Natrum Carb, Pulsatilla and Colocynthis. None of these helped, so please prescribe something else. I am wondering if the homeopathic pills are triggering my lactose intolerance and am considering switching to liquid (is this something that happens?).
My doctor wants me to take proton pump inhibitors and I have to go in for testing. I've been putting off the appointment due to fear and anxiety.

I have used homeopathy for this and usually Carbo Veg 200C works very well, but 2 weeks ago it just completely stopped working. I have tried different potencies: 6c, 12c, 30c and it did not help. I have also tried: China, XXXXXXX Phos, Lycopodium, Arsenicum, Arg Nit, Abies Canadensis, Nux Vomica, Asafoetida, Natrum Carb, Pulsatilla and Colocynthis. None of these helped, so please prescribe something else. I am wondering if the homeopathic pills are triggering my lactose intolerance and am considering switching to liquid (is this something that happens?).
My doctor wants me to take proton pump inhibitors and I have to go in for testing. I've been putting off the appointment due to fear and anxiety.
Assocaited Health Conditions
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your health concern and after reviewing your health query I'm of the following opinion:
1. All the symtpoms collectively could either be due to Digestive Issues like IBS/IBD [IBS-C/IBS-D], i.e. it could be
- Constipation predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Diarrhea predominant IBS.
2. It could possibly be food intolerance as a result you should consult a Gastro enterologist to go for IgG test.
3. As majority of medical conditions (acid reflux) are excluded thus one should also keep in mind mental cause ( like STRESS as causative factor for improper metabolism leading to bloating.
4. Also please mention your WEIGHT or any other simultaneous health condition which could be an aggravating factor for your symptoms (like sedentary life style, eating more of junk food, overeating, taking more of starch amd sodium in diet)??
5. Have you checked with your
LFT ( Liver Function Test)
Serum Amylase/Lipase
TFT ( Thyroid Function Test), since their imbalance can result in indigestion and resulting bloating.
Please revert back with your clarifications.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant Physician

Assocaited Health Conditions
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your health concern and after reviewing your health query I'm of the following opinion:
1. All the symtpoms collectively could either be due to Digestive Issues like IBS/IBD [IBS-C/IBS-D], i.e. it could be
- Constipation predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Diarrhea predominant IBS.
2. It could possibly be food intolerance as a result you should consult a Gastro enterologist to go for IgG test.
3. As majority of medical conditions (acid reflux) are excluded thus one should also keep in mind mental cause ( like STRESS as causative factor for improper metabolism leading to bloating.
4. Also please mention your WEIGHT or any other simultaneous health condition which could be an aggravating factor for your symptoms (like sedentary life style, eating more of junk food, overeating, taking more of starch amd sodium in diet)??
5. Have you checked with your
LFT ( Liver Function Test)
Serum Amylase/Lipase
TFT ( Thyroid Function Test), since their imbalance can result in indigestion and resulting bloating.
Please revert back with your clarifications.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant Physician

Thanks for the information.
I have not done a blood test yet. I have done a stool test with a naturopath, which showed dysbiosis. The naturopath suspects SIBO, so I'll take that test shortly.
As far as lifestyle, I exercise daily, eat organic, healthy foods and get adequate sleep. I have always been thin and it's hard for me to gain weight, especially now since my special diet excludes most carbohydrates (from food intolerances). I'm 5'4 and at around 98 lbs.

Thanks for the information.
I have not done a blood test yet. I have done a stool test with a naturopath, which showed dysbiosis. The naturopath suspects SIBO, so I'll take that test shortly.
As far as lifestyle, I exercise daily, eat organic, healthy foods and get adequate sleep. I have always been thin and it's hard for me to gain weight, especially now since my special diet excludes most carbohydrates (from food intolerances). I'm 5'4 and at around 98 lbs.

I am not a doctor, but so far, the evidence points to some kind of bacterial issue (as seen on the stool test).

I am not a doctor, but so far, the evidence points to some kind of bacterial issue (as seen on the stool test).
further necessary details
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back, and because unable to examine you directly, following is my stepwise management [depending upon the history and symptoms]:
A. going by your history and symptoms, the most probable diagnosis could be functional IBS [irritable bowel syndrome] which is a collection of symptoms ranging from bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation, so consult a Gastroenterologist for necessary examination and investigation [endoscopy, ultrasonography], till then
. maintain proper hydration [to prevent dehydration] and replace with electrolytes [avoid apple, grapes, pear juice which can make stomach upset].
- Avoid fiber-rich diet, since it can make bloating worse [instead take plain white rice, boiled potato, plain toast]
- avoid eating dairy products, spicy food, and spicy condiments, stay away from artificial sweeteners.
- take less of strong spices (ginger, garlic), oily-fried-fatty food and flatus producing foods (peas, beans, dals)
- eat slowly, avoid haste-irregular eating and sweet/heavy food which is difficult to digest and cause indigestion.
- since it is a psychosomatic disease thus tranquility of mind is a must, as such XXXXXXX drugs or a mild tranquilizer are useful.
PS. As you are maintaining an active lifestyle and still bloating is there, [symptoms are persisting], call your primary care doctor since it can be symptoms of underlying illness or infection that require medical intervention. [initially to exclude underactive thyroid, low hemoglobin, liver disease].
** Exercise:
Abdominal exercises are very useful for chronic flatulence and chronic constipation.
. eating less than demanded by appetite is very important.
. avoid oily foods, aerated drinks, overeating, smoking, and pan chewing.
. avoid onion, peas, bean, dal.
WHOLESOME DIET [PATHYA]: upvas [fasting], high fiber diet, coconut water, oatmeal, licorice, coconut, asafetida, laghu ahaar [i.e. food that is easy to digest and increases the Agni], old brown rice, raw papaya, early morning walking, light exercises, green gram, pomegranate, ginger, raisins, black pepper, spinach, radish, methi, ridge gourd, clove, apple, oranges, pears, cow’s milk, buttermilk, regular brushing and cleansing of the tongue, gargles, lukewarm water to drink [after meals], mint, eat fresh and properly cooked food, use of either bitter/astringent/alkaline substance, chew food properly, eat a little less than demanded by appetite, eat slowly, avoid irregular-haste eating, limit sweet/heavy food which is/are difficult to digest and cause indigestion, Yogasanas, meditation, deep breathing exercises, wear loose clothing, maintain ideal body weight,
UNWHOLESOME DIET [APATHYA] : aerated drinks, dairy products, spicy food and condiments, spices, cucumber, protein-rich diet, ghee, raw fruits, sour substances, smoking, tomato, onions, garlic, citrus fruits, peas, beans, oily food, daytime sleeping, avoiding eating in standing position, incompatible food, pain killers, iron supplements, chewing gum, mental stress, suppression of natural urges, butter, ice cream, cheese, meat, newly harvested rice, black gram, curd, potato, sweet potato,, cold water, overeating, green chili, heavy dinner, bakery products, artificial sweeteners,
• Before meals: take either chutney of vinegar, fruit preserve of XXXXXXX gooseberry, or mint chutney.
• With meals: one coiled piece of ginger mixed with rock salt.
• After meals: 1 tablespoon of brandy mixed with plain water.
. Mix nutmeg in lemon juice and lick results in proper evacuation of bowels and relieves gas/flatulence.
. Prepare dough mixed with flour plus sour grape juice, add a pinch of rock salt, and make chapattis.
** If after following dietary regime you still have gas trouble thus investigate for:
. Stool [for amoebiasis,giardiasis,tapeworm].
. Hb% [for anemia].
. Ultrasonography [for gallbladder].
. Sigmoidoscopy & gastroscopy [if indicated].
B. If it comes out to be due to food intolerance:
- A lactose-free product like soy milk, lactose-free milk, potato, rice, barley, margarine without butter/milk, fruit and vegetable juice, plain herbs and spice, jellies, XXXXXXX
- maintain a diet with low glycemic index/low fat.
- eat smaller meals regularly and chew food thoroughly.
- take a multivitamin which includes B3 and B12.
. increase intake of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids.
C. If your endoscopy/ sigmoidoscopy report comes normal which might exclude H. pylori infection, but suffering from abdominal symptoms, thus it is common in a person with hypochlorhydria ( low HCl in the stomach) to have an overgrowth of bacteria resulting in indigestion ( bloating, cramping, gas, constipation or diarrhea), since low HCl could be age-related or also because of use of antibiotics /antacids to relieve gastritis.
D. Any undue stress ( mental or physical), since in Ayurveda this can lead to reverse flow of “Vata” i.e. from large intestine back to small intestine called “ UDAVARTA”, and the resulting increase in the bacterial colony in the small intestine.
PS. I do prepare safe and effective Ayurveda medicine which acts on the digestive fire ( Agni/metabolism), and will recommend along with dietary regimen after you have reverted back with your clarification.
PS. please make sure that you have checked with your Hemoglobin, Vitamin B12 level, Thyroid & blood sugar profile.
E. Do let me know about your address along with pin code so that if you are interested in taking medicine I can tell you the same, dosage, charges, and delivery schedule.
Dr. Munish
direct online link: bit.ly/drmunishsood

further necessary details
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back, and because unable to examine you directly, following is my stepwise management [depending upon the history and symptoms]:
A. going by your history and symptoms, the most probable diagnosis could be functional IBS [irritable bowel syndrome] which is a collection of symptoms ranging from bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation, so consult a Gastroenterologist for necessary examination and investigation [endoscopy, ultrasonography], till then
. maintain proper hydration [to prevent dehydration] and replace with electrolytes [avoid apple, grapes, pear juice which can make stomach upset].
- Avoid fiber-rich diet, since it can make bloating worse [instead take plain white rice, boiled potato, plain toast]
- avoid eating dairy products, spicy food, and spicy condiments, stay away from artificial sweeteners.
- take less of strong spices (ginger, garlic), oily-fried-fatty food and flatus producing foods (peas, beans, dals)
- eat slowly, avoid haste-irregular eating and sweet/heavy food which is difficult to digest and cause indigestion.
- since it is a psychosomatic disease thus tranquility of mind is a must, as such XXXXXXX drugs or a mild tranquilizer are useful.
PS. As you are maintaining an active lifestyle and still bloating is there, [symptoms are persisting], call your primary care doctor since it can be symptoms of underlying illness or infection that require medical intervention. [initially to exclude underactive thyroid, low hemoglobin, liver disease].
** Exercise:
Abdominal exercises are very useful for chronic flatulence and chronic constipation.
. eating less than demanded by appetite is very important.
. avoid oily foods, aerated drinks, overeating, smoking, and pan chewing.
. avoid onion, peas, bean, dal.
WHOLESOME DIET [PATHYA]: upvas [fasting], high fiber diet, coconut water, oatmeal, licorice, coconut, asafetida, laghu ahaar [i.e. food that is easy to digest and increases the Agni], old brown rice, raw papaya, early morning walking, light exercises, green gram, pomegranate, ginger, raisins, black pepper, spinach, radish, methi, ridge gourd, clove, apple, oranges, pears, cow’s milk, buttermilk, regular brushing and cleansing of the tongue, gargles, lukewarm water to drink [after meals], mint, eat fresh and properly cooked food, use of either bitter/astringent/alkaline substance, chew food properly, eat a little less than demanded by appetite, eat slowly, avoid irregular-haste eating, limit sweet/heavy food which is/are difficult to digest and cause indigestion, Yogasanas, meditation, deep breathing exercises, wear loose clothing, maintain ideal body weight,
UNWHOLESOME DIET [APATHYA] : aerated drinks, dairy products, spicy food and condiments, spices, cucumber, protein-rich diet, ghee, raw fruits, sour substances, smoking, tomato, onions, garlic, citrus fruits, peas, beans, oily food, daytime sleeping, avoiding eating in standing position, incompatible food, pain killers, iron supplements, chewing gum, mental stress, suppression of natural urges, butter, ice cream, cheese, meat, newly harvested rice, black gram, curd, potato, sweet potato,, cold water, overeating, green chili, heavy dinner, bakery products, artificial sweeteners,
• Before meals: take either chutney of vinegar, fruit preserve of XXXXXXX gooseberry, or mint chutney.
• With meals: one coiled piece of ginger mixed with rock salt.
• After meals: 1 tablespoon of brandy mixed with plain water.
. Mix nutmeg in lemon juice and lick results in proper evacuation of bowels and relieves gas/flatulence.
. Prepare dough mixed with flour plus sour grape juice, add a pinch of rock salt, and make chapattis.
** If after following dietary regime you still have gas trouble thus investigate for:
. Stool [for amoebiasis,giardiasis,tapeworm].
. Hb% [for anemia].
. Ultrasonography [for gallbladder].
. Sigmoidoscopy & gastroscopy [if indicated].
B. If it comes out to be due to food intolerance:
- A lactose-free product like soy milk, lactose-free milk, potato, rice, barley, margarine without butter/milk, fruit and vegetable juice, plain herbs and spice, jellies, XXXXXXX
- maintain a diet with low glycemic index/low fat.
- eat smaller meals regularly and chew food thoroughly.
- take a multivitamin which includes B3 and B12.
. increase intake of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids.
C. If your endoscopy/ sigmoidoscopy report comes normal which might exclude H. pylori infection, but suffering from abdominal symptoms, thus it is common in a person with hypochlorhydria ( low HCl in the stomach) to have an overgrowth of bacteria resulting in indigestion ( bloating, cramping, gas, constipation or diarrhea), since low HCl could be age-related or also because of use of antibiotics /antacids to relieve gastritis.
D. Any undue stress ( mental or physical), since in Ayurveda this can lead to reverse flow of “Vata” i.e. from large intestine back to small intestine called “ UDAVARTA”, and the resulting increase in the bacterial colony in the small intestine.
PS. I do prepare safe and effective Ayurveda medicine which acts on the digestive fire ( Agni/metabolism), and will recommend along with dietary regimen after you have reverted back with your clarification.
PS. please make sure that you have checked with your Hemoglobin, Vitamin B12 level, Thyroid & blood sugar profile.
E. Do let me know about your address along with pin code so that if you are interested in taking medicine I can tell you the same, dosage, charges, and delivery schedule.
Dr. Munish
direct online link: bit.ly/drmunishsood

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