Hi, Im 34, No Previous Issues With This. About 2
Stress fracture right foot
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to "Ask a Doctor"service.
I am Dr Ajeet XXXXXXX
I have gone through your query and here is my opinion.
Like stress fractures,fascitis is also caused by overly intense exercise, overuse, and high impact. The pain in right hand seem to be due to fasciitis ,which is an injury to ligament.
A stress fracture is a small crack or fissure in one of the bones in the heel or foot.
As your age and chances of osteoporosis are remote,there is possibility of hypocalcaemia thus causing demineralization of bones and decreased bone elasticity.
I will advise you to go for your calcium,vitamin D and parathyroid hormone levels.
You should do diet modifications with plenty of milk and milk products to replenish calcium.
Have plenty of sun.
Continue RICE forfor healing of your stress fracture.
NSAIDs like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen can be used for pain relief.
Your orthopaedic specialist and physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist would help you in further evaluation and management.
Hope that I have answered your query.
Stress fracture right foot
Detailed Answer:
That's great.....continue doing that.
To ptect the strained muscle from further injury. rest the hand.
Apply ice to the hand (20 minutes four times a day).
Don't apply ice directly to the skin.
Compression can be applied with an elastic bandage,.
It would provide support ,immobilization and would help to reduce swelling.
Elevate the hand to decrease swelling.
Continue analgesic sprey and oral preparations.
You would recover very soon.