Hi, My Father Was Diagnosed With Squamous Cell Carcinoma Base
Am so sorry for your loss!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Accept my deepest sympathy. Given the stage of your dad's disease, and all that I now know, 50% survival at 5years was really an overstatement, it is somewhere around 40. However, these are mere statistics which would not always apply in the strictest sense to individuals. There are some persons who would live pass this time and many who would not live even for a few more months. It is unfortunate that your father was among those who die rather soon after diagnosis.
The neck harbors veins which drain blood from the head. When these veins are compressed by any structures including lymph nodes as was the case with your father, blood would stagnant in the head region which explains the swelling. Treatment often entails relieving this obstruction, often with chemotherapy.
From all you explained, I appreciate the courage and honesty of your doctors not to let your father go through so much. I believe this cancer might have spread to many other areas. Your father died from natural cause, though painful and rather early compared to many others, but not unusual. This is something we see and it is difficult when your love one is that person. You guys did nothing wrong and th emedical doctors certainly did nothing wrong. These are some of the thing that no one would be able to fully explain to you or your family. No matter how much we try to rationalize, the painful reality lives on.
Again, accept my sympathy. If you have further worrise, let me know. My regards to your mom.