Hi My Little Is 4 Months And Weighs About 8.2kg!
Start with thick liquids instead
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I have gone carefully through your query and understand your concerns. I think that 4 months age is a bit early to start weaning with semi-solids. If you give semi-solids you would have to give some water as well. As of now you can start with thick liquids like dal water or fruit juices, gradually move over to semi-solids or mashed foods, and subsequently start with pounded food. Consider your ABCs - applesauce, bananas, and cereal (rice, biscuits dipped in milk, or roti, or ragi softened with milk/water). Boil rice and dal with vegetables and give in mashed form. Gradually increase the amount and frequency. Introduce one new food item per week and stick to it at least for the week.
When you introduce semi-solids start with half a cup twice a day, then increase the amount as feasible. Eventually, move to mashed fruits. As you increase the number of items, gradually make sure to include the following food principles.
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