Hi There My Daughter Is 5 Years Old And Her
My daughter is 5 years old and her morning urine is cloudy light yellow.
Is this a UTI?
Throughout the day when I check its a clear light yellow.
We try to give her lots of liquid throughout the day.
Is it possible that medicatication has caused it? She just started 2 days ago for an allegric cough shes been having:
We saw the doctor 2 days ago.
Allegra 5 mls every 12 hours for 2 weeks,
Flixotide 250 1 puff every 12 hours for 2 weeks
Prednabene 6mls once a day x5 days
Nothing to worry about
Detailed Answer:
While cloudy (or urine with a strong smell) can sometimes go along with a urinary tract infection, there are many other factors that can cause this, such as certain food, medications, and dehydration. As long as your daughter does not have any other signs or symptoms of infection, such as fever, burning when she urinates, incontinence, or any other changes in her bladder habits, I wouldn't worry about a UTI with just the cloudy urine. As long as it goes away when you give plenty of fluids, I would wait to see if it goes away once she finishes her medications. However, if she did begin to develop any of the above symptoms or something else was concerning you, checking her urine would be reasonable.
I hope that helps answer your question, please let me know if you have any other questions and I'd be glad to answer them.
The only thing I can add is that she drinks a lot of milk - she hates drinking water, which is a struggle to get her to drink. But we always try different ways. When she is at school, I don't think she hydrates herself as much.
And she tends to hold in her toilet going. She only complained maybe 3 nights ago that her wee wee hurt, but I had a look, it was a little red, but I think it's from her not wiping herself dry properly.
She takes awhile to urinate when we ask her to go. We've had instances where she would wake up in the morning and I'd prompt her to go, but she would just sit there, and we'd wait for half an hour and nothing. It's odd, since every night, we give her a big cup of milk before she sleeps, so you'd think she'd have the urge to go.
Will see how she goes after two weeks. And will keep her hydrated.
Hopefully it clears up.
There has been no complaints when she goes to urinate, and no fever whatsoever.
Just to be clear...
Detailed Answer:
Just to make sure, these problems she has had using toilet, they have been going on for awhile, or just recently started? Does she still say her wee wee hurts, or is that ok now?
She only just said her wee wee hurt just this morning and yesterday. It's hard to tell if it's hurting her when she pees, if it burns, or if it's itchy, because her vocab is very limited at the moment.
I've been worried for the last month or two that she would get a UTI because I feel that she doesn't urinate enough and because she's only just started to wipe herself, I don't think she does a great job so I make sure to check every so often, and more so now because of the last two days.
Because she's on the spectrum, she's not very good at communicating to us when she has pains or any issues - so we have to prompt her a lot and then decipher her words and her facial expressions to see if she is in pain or not.
We've had discussions with her pediatrician about how often she should be urinating, but the Dr doesn't seem to be too concerned, and just asks that we keep her hydrated, prompt her to go every 2-3 hours, and to let her know if she has any pains.
She would go maybe every 5 hours if we didn't prompt her and just hold it in until it hurts her to wee.
So now that I've noticed the cloudy urine, I'm worried.
She's had a cough for 30 days now, moving from a virus for the first 2 weeks, to now having an allergic cough.
Not sure if this is related.. but she's currently on miralax to get her bowel movements going every day as she was going nearly every 3 days. End of last month she had compacted poop and had to have an enema in the hospital to get it out - fortunately she was able to get it out, poor thing. The doctor prescribed fucidin 2% to put on her bum for a few days afterwards.
Could that have caused her to end up with a UTI?
UTIs are quite painful, so I'm pretty sure she would be crying if she had a UTI right?
That sounds good.
Detailed Answer:
I was just going to say, if she is having pain in that area, and cannot easily tell you if she has burning, it would probably be good to go ahead and check. UTIs are not always painful, sometimes children will just avoid using the toilet like your daughter. And constipation can often cause a UTI.
I'm glad she is getting checked and hopefully can get taken care of quickly.
Dr Aaron
My final question (sorry) - she had just finished a course of Augmentin which was given for her cough (Dr thought it was mycoplasma) from the 19/11 - 25/11. Isn't Augmentin used to treat UTIs?
Detailed Answer:
Augmentin can sometimes be used, but it usually isn't the first medication used now because there is a lot of resistance to it from bacteria that cause UTIs. So it may be that if your daughter has a UTI, it is resistant to Augmentin. Usually medications like cefixime or cefdinir are used now.