Hi There, A Small Lump Has Suddenly Grown On My
It feels solid and doesn't seem to move (pea-sized or smaller - feels spherical). It hasn't got any bigger in the past 2 days. I didn't have any injury or trauma.
It's slightly painful to touch and I felt it arriving before it was noticeable (a bit like a spot would).
Diagnosis: Large pimple/boil
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for trusting us with your health question
The painful lump you are noticing could either be a large pimple or a boil. Both these conditions are caused by bacterial infections. The lump will eventually subside even without any intervention in 10 - 14 days.
Here are few things you can do to help relieve the pain and speed up healing process
- Apply cold compress to the affected area thrice daily
-Keep the area clean and dry
-Apply over the counter benzoyl peroxide ointment. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Take Ibuprofen 400 mg up to three times a day to reduce pain and inflammation.
Hope this answers your question
Please address further questions here
Dr.Lekshmi Rita Venugopal
Thanks for your reply. It's definitely not a pimple or boil, I've had those before.
There is no mark on the skin, just a bump underneath.
Bump is slightly sore to touch, but not sore 24/7.
It doesn't move and feels spherical like a pea.
I wonder if it is a lipoma or cyst?
Best wishes,
Rule out sebaceous cyst
Detailed Answer:
Lipomas do not appear so acutely and is generally painless.
In cyst category, sebaceous cyst could sometimes presently acutely with some pain.
Only a physical examination of lump can provide a definite diagnosis.
You can schedule an appointment with your primary provider for confirmation of diagnosis.
Best Regards,
Dr. Lekshmi Rita Venugopal