History Of Frequent Heartburn. Having Severe Pain Below Rib Cage During Period. Taking Antacid. Thoughts?
Menstrual period is a stage of stress for every woman. Some respond mild while others badly. During this period there are a few hormones that majorly affect the physiological process of the woman especially serotonin, progesterone.
Your complains are typical of a heart burn. It along with bloating are studied to be aggravated, as a part of the premenstrual syndrome and during menstruation. Your history of symptoms decreasing with simple antacids points towards acid burn. I suggest you to continue taking this as they are safe drugs. Since the reasons for premenstural syndrome and physiology that happens in a woman is not completely understood, no definite prevention tips are gathered in the studies.
However you should avoid tomato, citrus fruits, chocolate, dairy products to reduce the symptoms. Avoiding food for more than 4 hours while awake can secrete more acids and aggravate the problem. Instead reduce it by 2 hours.
Let me know if you have tried any of these already.