History Of Ovarian Cysts And Uterine Polyps. Getting Irregular And Heavy Periods. Should I Be Concerned?
With your age, it is not unusual to have cycle irregularity elated to irregularity in terms of when you ovulate. This explains the cycle variation of 21-50 days. If this has been your history over your lifetime, then there might be concern about the formation of something called "hyperplasia" or pre-cancerous changes within the uterus that should be evaluated.
This leads me to the answer to your question. A history of endometrial polyps with bleeding that now goes beyond irregular bleeding related to irregular ovulation probably indicates a return of the polyps. Here is what needs to happen:
1. You need to visit your OB/GYN
2. You need a repeat ultrasound performed as a sonohysterogram (better way to visualize for polyps)
3. You need an endometrial biopsy (to evaluate for hyperplasia)
4. You need to discuss options for more definitive treatment (e.g. an ablation)
I hope this helps. Please ask if you have more questions!
If you in fact have fibroids, then the chance that an ablation might not work as an issue and a hysterectomy would probably be more appropriate.
You also did not mention that there was a family history of endometrial cancer. This does not change the management because in almost all cases, this is not an inherited cancer.
It is not appopriate to remove an ovary just to "shut down" the uterus. This would do more harm than good by putting you into menopause at 41 years of age!! Not a good choice.
And yes, your problems are likely related to a combination of recurrent polyps, irregular cycles related to hormonal "imbalance", fibroids, and endometriosis. A hysterectomy is definitely sounding like an appropriate choice AFTER a repeat ultrasound AND an endometrial biopsy!
I hope this helps.