How Can I Recover From Sleep Deprivation?
What are the other symptoms?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I read your query and understand your concerns.
In my opinion it is prudent to know more details about the problem as sleep disturbance is symptoms of variety of disorders and treatment depends on the underlying cause.
For example treatment of depression and anxiety is done with antidepressants while the treatment of psychotic symptoms is made with antipsychotic medications.
I request you to provide following details
1. Other symptoms experienced by you?
2. Do you have any medical illness? If yes details, please
3. What kind of thoughts do you encounter during difficulty with sleep?
4. Duration of problem?
5. Perceived cause for the problem
6. Any other relevant details
I look forward to assist you further.
Thanks and regards.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
I like to inform you that benzodiazepine will be a better option for management of sleep considering the fact that you have OCD and intrusive thoughts. This group of medications have anti anxiety properties which further helps in some symptoms of OCD during initial stage of treatment.
I often prefer clonazepam (Lonazep, Clonotril) for this purpose which is available with a prescription.
I hope this helps you.
Feel free to write back to me if you have more questions.
Thanks and regards.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
The other powerful options include Oxazepam (Anxozap/Zaxpam). In case this does not help you then quetiapine can be tried (Quitipin/Adequate/Qutan).
I hope this works for you.
Thanks and regards.
Dr. Ashok Kumar, Psychiatrist