How Can A Build Up Of Fat In The Liver And An Enlarged Spleen Be Managed?
Main changes to the liver and lungs, can improve
Detailed Answer:
There are 12 findings listed-(1)NON cirrhotic morphology (there is no cirrhosis which is a good thing). DIFFUSE hepatic steatosis (there is a build up of fat in the liver). CYSTS- these are sacs in the liver but they are not cancerous or dangerous.
The main change in the liver is the build up of fat which can potentially cause inflammation and damage to the liver if this does not improve.
Diet changes and activity would help.
(2) SPLEEN- it is enlarged, they state that it was 16 cm , now it is 14.5cm
(3) PNNCREAS-normal
(4) BILIARY tree (gallbladder and bile ducts)- Normal
(5) ADRRENAL GLAND (found just above the kidneys,make different hormones)- normal
(6) KIDNEYS- no abnormality seen
(7) LYMPHDENOPATHY (there are lymph nodes in the abdomen like the lymph nodes in the neck that enlarge sometimes if a person has a bad cold.
The ones in the abdomen would enlarge if there was an infection in the abdomen or in more serious cases like cancer- yours were normal- which is good)- Normal
(8) BOWEL-normal
(9) PERITONEUM/abdominal wall-Normal, no ascites (no build up of abnormal fluid)
(10) VASCULATURE (blood vessels)- normal
(11) skeletal (bones that were seen)- normal
(12) lung bases-dependent bilateral atelectasis. Atelectasis means that there is a collapse of an area of the lungs.
In your case, it is the bases or bottom aspects of both lungs that is involved. This can sometimes occur if a person has been bedridden or laying down for a prolonged period.
It can also occur after a procedure which affects the ability of a person to take deep effective breaths.
It may improve, your doctor may advise chest exercises or physio to help with this
I hope this helps.
Dr. Michelle Gibson James
General & Family Physician