How Can A Nose Bleed After A Fall Be Treated In A Toddler?
Nothing needs to be done. Wait and watch.
Detailed Answer:
Let me assure you that going by the description things do not appear unusual, especially since the bleeding has stopped. How ever, the main consideration is head injury. If 'head injury' occurs, it will not be without manifestations. The main concern could be the ominous signs of head injury which are:
* Vomiting
* Severe headache (may manifest with uncontrolled crying)
* Altered consciousness or Loss of consciousness
* Convulsions
Unless any of these are present you need not worry. If any of these occur, you would need to get a CT scan of the brain done. In case bleeding from nose recurs, a nasal packing would need to be applied.
Give paracetamol or acetaminophen in case the child is irritable due to pain.
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