How Can A Stone In The Ureter Be Treated?
Take treatment suggested as detailed below
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been detected to have stone of a size of 5 mm in Right Ureter at Uretero Vesical Junction with back pressure changes in ureter and kidney (Hydrouretero Nephrosis).
Normally stone up to size of 8 mm pass out through urine spontaneously and no surgical intervention is required .
I would suggest you take following treatment
1) Drink more water 4-5 liters per day to produce more urine
2) Take antibiotic like Norfloxacin and Nitofurantoin twice daily to prevent infection .
3) Take Tomsulosin once daily .This drug is a smooth muscle relaxant and dilates the ureter wand thereby helps to pass the stone
4) Drotaverine twice daily .twice daily this helps to move the stone downwards without pain .
Take treatment for 10 days .In majority of cases this helps to pass the stone through urine .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Small spiky stone can cause blood in urine
Detailed Answer:
Thnks for follow up .
Even small spiky stone can cause blood in urine due t injury to delicate ureteral mucosa.
USG can detect all abnormalities i kidney ureter or bladder .
Do not worry it will pass out spontaneously .Try to allay your apprehension.
Drink more water and take medicines suggested in my earlier reply .
Thanks and Regards
2-3 RBC detected in routine urine analysis has no significance .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
Presence of 2-3 RBC in a patient having sone in ureter is not to be worried at all .It will get resolved within a week .or two .
Continue taking antibiotics for a week .
Thanks and Regards.