How Can Erectile Dysfunction Since 3 Years Be Treated With No Change With Herbal Supplements ?
Let me start by saying that your issue is very very common - even among patients in the mid 20s as far as age goes. You are certainly not alone.
As far as ED goes there are a number of common contributing factors. First and most common are psychological factors such as stress and anxiety. This can be related to relationships with friends, family, coworkers and your significant other or a combination of these. Even subtle stress can translate into limited function.
Next - lack of sleep can be an issue. Sleeping less than 7 hours per night can slowly make an impact over time to where a mild fatigue limits erectile function.
Next - testosterone deficiency can sometimes cause this. This is more rare but is easily tested for with a quick blood test.
Be honest and XXXXXXX with the urologist and he will help you find a good solution.
As far as the meds go - Viagra for example - costs about 10 dollars per tablet and each tablet can be cut in half for 2 doses. This is something you can discuss with your doctors to see if you would be a suitable candidate.
I thank you again for submitting your query. I hope you found my response to be both helpful and informative. Should you have additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga.