How Can Erection Be Maintained During Intercourse?
You seem to have a difficulty sustaining erections long enough to complete a sexual intercourse and at times, even to penetrate. Masturbation provides enough stimulation to the penile tissue for erection and the stimulation can be controlled and manipulated by the hand. But during intercourse, similar amount of stimulation may not be there. That's the reason why erection does not last long while having intercourse.
You may have to gradually teach your body to sustain erections during intercourse. This can be done by various ways.
1. Take help of medication for a few days. Medicines such as Tadalafil can help you sustain erection during intercourse, provided you are emotionally aroused. Do note that these medicines should not be used for a long time except under a doctor's supervision.
2. Try taking a passive position during intercourse, such as lying on your back. This will prevent a lot of movements of your lower back. Movements of lower back can make you tired early and also result in loss of erection.
3. Train yourself for sustaining erections for a longer time by doing the following techniques -
a) Start and Stop - This can be done during intercourse and masturbation. Once you feel that the point is coming where you know you will ejaculate, you have to stop doing the action. After the feeling has passed away, you can start again. Try doing this as many times as possible. For the first few times it may not be possible, but if you persist, you will be able to hold on for a longer time. This can help you sustain erection during intercourse.
b) Regular and XXXXXXX breathing - This is one of the simplest and the most important techniques. Maintaining a regular and XXXXXXX breathing patter throughout masturbation or intercourse can help you sustain a harder erection and also help you last longer.
Apart from these tips, it is important to have a good emotional rapport with your partner. Foreplay is important as well.
I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have more queries. I will be glad to help.
Take care.