How Can Red Bumps On The Lips And Gums Be Treated?
Detailed Answer:
Without seeing what you are describing, I can only go on what is the most common cause of tingling and then bumps in the oral area and that is oral herpes (Herpes Simplex I).
This can cause clusters of tiny painful blisters and it is usually preceded by a tingling sensation.
I suggest you go to an urgent care clinic today where they can have a look and if it looks like a herpetic outbreak, they will give you a prescription antiviral medication.
The sooner it is started the better it will work for shortening the duration of the outbreak and the intensity of it. But it does not cure it.
Many people have herpes simplex I, usually gotten as children, but not all get outbreaks, and not all get recurrent outbreaks.
It is more likely to come out during times of stress (physical or emotional).
So do consider going in to have it looked at in person.
Hope I have answered your query.
Take care
Dr Bonnie Berger-Durnbaugh, General & Family Physician