Brief Answer:
systolic>=180. Diastolic>=110. Age is risk factor.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your reply.
As the age advances, our Blood vessels lose flexibility with age which can contribute to increasing pressure.
You cannot control age, but you can take steps to live a healthy life and lower your other risk factors.
At times, being in a stressful situation can temporarily increase your blood pressure.
Emotional discomfort we feel when faced with a stressful situation, our bodies react by releasing stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) into the blood.
These hormones prepare the body for the "fight or flight response" by making the heart beat faster and constricting blood vessels to get more blood to the core of the body instead of the extremities.
Constriction of blood vessels and increase in
heart rate does raise blood pressure, but only temporarily.
when the stress reaction goes away, blood pressure returns to its pre-stress level.
How you deal with stress may affect other, established risk factors for
high blood pressure or
heart disease.
Plan to engage in the activities like games or reading books which decreases your stress.
relaxation techniques like yoga and
Spend enough time with family and good friends.
As you are newly diagnosed diabetic, you should take the Anti diabetic drugs with other routine drugs.
You must comply with all the medications regularly.
Check Blood pressure regularly and better buy some automated Blood pressure apparatus.
Your diet must be
Low sodium
Rich fruits and vegetables
Oil rich fish- at least twice weekly
No more processed or packed foods.
Oil should be poly or mono unsaturated like canola oil, olive oil.
No more added sugars.
If, while monitoring your blood pressure, you get a systolic reading ( Numerator)of 180 mm Hg or higher OR a diastolic reading(Denominator) of 110 mm HG or higher, wait a couple of minutes and take it again. If the reading is still at or above that level, you should seek immediate emergency medical treatment for a hypertensive crisis.
Body Mass Index is 24.39.
And it is too with in normal limits.
Continue your exercise regularly.
As the age increase, we all are at higher risk of all the Non-communicable diseases like diabetes,
hypertension, stroke.
Simply saying, We cannot change or control the important risk factor called Age and Hereditary.
But we can control all other risk factors like Stress, Lifestyle changes, diet and Smoke etc.
Thus Plan to control all the modifiable risk factors and have regular follow up with your treating doctor.
Hope this helps.
Please let me if you have any queries in future.
Wishing you good health.
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention,
click here.