How Dangerous Is HPV 56? What Does It Cause And What Is The Treatment I Need To Have?
Thank you for the query.
HPV, i.e,. Human Papilloma Viruses cause,
1. Infections of the skin and mucous membrane
2. Warts (Genital and non-genital)
3. Cancers of the genital tract (cervix,vulva,vagina in females and penis in males)
Of the many types of HPV the following are called as High risk HPV because they are known to have a high risk of causing genital cancers. These are,
HPV- 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68 & 69.
Coming to your query, I would say that since you are carrying a HPV infection and also experiencing some urinary complaints it would be best to XXXXXXX your Gynecologist who could help you with proper treatment.
Most HPV infections are self-limiting but repeated infections can be a high risk for subsequent cancerous changes.
I would like to advise you to consume adequate amount of water at-least 2 liters/day and get your urinary symptoms treated by your sexual contact I would advise you to use condoms or barrier method of contraception. Also annual PAP smear tests would help diagnose and treat any genital cancerous condition at an early stage.
Hope I have answered all your queries. Do write back to me if you have further queries.
Dr. Gowri.