How Do I Discontinue Taking Pramipexold, Amitriptylin And Clorazepate For A Short Duration Before A Scheduled Videonystagmography?
Is there a connection between vertigo and Restless Leg Syndrome?
Taper the dose down before stopping the medications completely
Detailed Answer:
Videonystagmography assess your inner ear and brain activity. So, it is important to stop any medications that affect the neurological system. If the medications are not stopped 48 hours prior, the test results will not be accurate.
If stopping these medications causes withdrawal, then slowly tapering down the doses before completely stopping can help. Please discuss regarding tapering down the doses with your physician.
Vertigo and Restless leg syndrome are generally not inter-related, but only in some extremely rare scenario, it can be seen.
Hope this answers your question
Please let me know if you need further clarification.