Brief Answer:
Feasible exercise scheme, nutritionist, persistenc
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I know it requires much courage to start a
weight loss programme. Not only courage but patience. The main healthy and sustainable ways to lose weight include a change in eating habits, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle as possible and being persistent on a feasible exercise program.
Feeding mainly on a vegetable rich, fibre rich, fruit rich diet is the main recommendation. It is advisable to avoid fatty foods as much as possible. Reduction in the amount of salt you take in is also recommended to reduce the risk of developing
hypertension. Drinking a lot of water also helps in persons that take in excessive amounts of food or calories. Water in turn occupy the stomach space and reduces the frequency of eating in some persons. I suggest my patients to keep calories below 1800kcal per day for better
weight management.
Exercise is very important, not only for the fact that one loses weight. Also, when has a sensation of good feeling, reduces stress and improves sleep. The most important thing is getting on a feasible exercise program depending on your work time schedule. Brisk walking of 30 to 45 minutes , thrice to four times a week is grossly sufficient. Riding in jogging if possible could also be very good. the important notion here id adopting something where one feels generally at ease, and being PERSISTENT.The most important aspect on an exercise program is not mainly the intensity, but rather the persistence on a specific scheme.
A heart rate between 60 to 80 beats per minute is ideal at rest. If your heart rate is under this limit at rest, your
target heart rate should be between 145 to 150 beats per minute. Supplements should only be taken in case of need. I do believe the opinion of your doctor is required in this case. The place of supplements in weight loss has not really been proven. Most of the drugs used are relatively expensive, have numerous side effects and persons on these drugs rapidly regain their weight when they go off the drugs, either because of lack of finances or when they start to suffer numerous side effects.
Hydroxycut for sure is used in burning fat and losing weight. It causes the individual not to feel hungry by inhibiting the appetite centre. The fear here first of all is that one might not even feel to eat the essential foods and vitamins required normally by the body. It is not rare then to developing deficiency conditions to some minerals. The potential side effects however outlay the advantages. One cannot be on this drug for a long time. Heart hazards like palpitations and
high blood pressure have been described. Neurologic conditions like
tremor, feeling restless.
I still think losing weight demands a strong personal decision to change a life style. Adopt a healthy feeding habit, start a feasible exercise scheme, be persistent on it and feel good. the opinion of a nutritionist with respect to the specific diet you will need to adopt would be of utmost importance. Vitamins or supplements should be taken only if there is a medical indication given by your doctor. Pills to lose weight could help, but potential side effects and long term benefits must be borne in mind.
Kind regards as I wish you the best of health.
DR Bain