How Do Marshmallow Root And Corn Silk Help In Dissolving Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones and Herbal supplements- an in depth explanation for you.
Detailed Answer:
I'm Dr. Neel Kudchadkar and I have carefully examined your question.
You mention that you have kidney stones, one of which was recently passed out of the urine. You take herbal supplements such as cornsilk and marshmallow root. These herbal agents indeed do help in dissolving kidney stones. The fact that you have a cyst in the kidney, will not prevent these herbal remedies from working. The cyst is benign. People with kidney stones, and in particular, women, do develop an inflammed bladder.
Now, carefully note that marshmallow root changes potassium levels in the kidney. Potassium, is also referred to commonly as [K+] (K for free metallic potassium ions in the kidney). [k+] plays a major role in something called as a sodium [Na+] potassium pump that acts basically as a pipe with reverse lock between virtually all the cells in the kidney.
Marshmallow root and Corn Silk, to put it in simple terms, at the level of molecules, give a "password" (peptide sequence) to the Na+-K+ pumps to cause water in the kidneys to be directed at the kidney stones. Remember, water is the thing, in the end, that causes stone dissolution.
In the process of stone dissolution, we have partially eroded calculi (stones).
This is precisely the "sludge" you mention.
If you keep regularly using these herbal supplements, (avoiding too much corn silk at a single shot) in due time, the sludge will vanish.
Herbal supplements are a good idea, and you also have other options like a Lithotriptor procedure that will eliminate the stones instantly. Note that Lithotriptor treatment is expensive.
Dr. Neel Kudchadkar