Brief Answer:
Hysteroscopy should be done.
Detailed Answer:
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At the age of 37, even with good number eggs/embryos, chance of
pregnancy is around 30% -35% per cycle. It depends further in which center you are undergoing IVF & that center's baseline & age specific success rate.
Regarding hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is must after two failed IVF cycles. There are many small abnormalities (polyps/synechiae) that are not visible on
ultrasound & can only be seen & corrected through hysteroscopy. Second thing, even if no abnormality is detected, hysteroscopy done before IVF, improves success rate.
Regarding need for donor eggs; What was quality of embryos she got during both cycles? If quality was good (Most of centers label good quality embryos as Grade I), she can go ahead with one more cycle with own eggs. Although its true that donor eggs will give better chance of pregnancy, own eggs will give chance to conceive with own genetic material & some people may prefer that.
Upto 4th cycle of IVF, gives constant good chance of pregnancy & thereafter success rate decreases unless there was some obvious reason for failure. As she had reason for failure in first cycle (Thick endometrium), she should definitely go ahead with one more cycle at least.
Reasons for body not accepting: Its mostly embryo-endometrium interaction. In first cycle, obvious reason was endometrium. But even without any obvious reason, success rate of IVF is not 100%. There are many events occurring at molecular level which we are not knowing. That's why we don't give 100% success rate in IVF.
Regarding LIT therapy, its role in improving IVF success rate is not proven & I do not advocate it for my patient.
One of the ways to improve success is to do
blastocyst culture & transfer (Growing embryo for 5 days outside body). But at the age of 37, its doubtful whether embryos will grow till 5 days unless IVF lab & embryo quality is very good.
So summarizing plan of management, she can go for hysteroscopy followed by one cycle of IVF with one eggs if embryo quality during past two cycles was good. If embryo quality was not good, she can go for hysteroscopy followed by IVF with donor eggs. You can consult your doctor regarding need for donor eggs.
Let me know if you have other concerns.