How Is Hanta Virus Transmitted?
When did you notice a rodent last time?
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear.Thanks for posting me on this forum.
Hanta virus is mainly transmitted to people when you breathe in air contaminated with the virus especially when fresh rodent urine, droppings, saliva or nesting materials are stirred up, tiny droplets containing the virus get into the air.
The chance of being exposed to hantavirus is greatest when people work, play, or live in closed spaces where rodents are actively living.
I would like to know some more information-
Did was the last time you ever noticed a rodent in the basement which you have cleaned or is it a pure assumption?
Have you tried eradicating the rodents any time at this place?If yes, when did you do it?
Are there any rodents which you think are taking shelter in this place?
Do you see them anywhere else in your home?
Await your reply soon.
Infection is unlikely.Watch for 5 weeks
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for quick response.
I am glad that there is no contact with rodent or its droppings.Transmission is often from the fresh droppings.Moreover virus is alive for only short periods in the dust.This chance of transmission of virus is highly unlikely.
However since you are in the high risk prone area I were to suggest to keep a watch on the symptoms such as fatigue, fever and muscle aches, especially in the large muscle groups—thighs, hips, back, and sometimes shoulders for the next 5 weeks(incubation period) if you still have a doubt.Thus hanta virus infection initially presents with flu like symptoms.
Thus it can be managed better if detected early.
Hope this answers your query.
Chances are meek
Detailed Answer:
Yes it is highly unlikely since the exposure is not proven.However I regret to say that the percentage cannot be predicted since there is no literature mentioning the incidence in such cases. Chances are meek.
Hope this answers your query.You need to keep a watch since yours is a high risk area.